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Amity's POV;

Sitting upright from the couch, I yawned before spotting something off.

My mentor wasn't on one of the couches anymore.

I frowned.

This is a bit worrisome now.

Standing up, I began looking around only to find her waking herself up with a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning, Amity."

I hummed, leaning on the door frame with crossed arms while saying, "good morning to you too, Miss. Lilith, did you rest well?"

She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for saving me, Amity... I didn't deserve your heroism one bit after telling you everything..." She said.

I brushed her off and just said, "Miss. Lilith even if you said all of those to me, you are still my mentor and... I suppose a close friend too even after you went away."

"Former mentor, Amity." She corrected.

I shrugged.

"You're the only mentor that I'll ever need, Miss. Lilith, your not like the other ones who's taught me right after you left. Your teaching is... Interesting to be honest, it's better than the others."

In all honesty, I don't know what I'm saying here.

After a while, I just sat chatting with my mentor in the early morning.

We enjoyed the talk actually. It's been a long time since I've had these kinds of chat with my mentor after she gave a sudden resignation and disappeared from the face of the boiling isles many years ago.

Suddenly, we heard what sounded like quarrelling in the living room.

Standing up, me and my mentor made our way over to look and see my cat hissing at Barkus.

I immediately rushed over to it.

"Barkus, no!! What are you doing to my cat!?" I yelled as I hurried to grab it.

It continued to hiss at Barkus more so than ever with Barkus only staring back at it without much word. He wasn't even showing his fangs or even giving a single bark.

Calming my cat down, I walked it to the kitchen to sit it down on the counter.

"Hey... What is wrong with you..!? You don't hiss at Barkus, he won't do anything to you." I huffed while ruffling it's fur.

It soon calmed down and just sat hiding it's front paws from me. It stared at me while I continued to pet it.

"You've gotta calm down ok?" I said before continuing with, "we don't know what's happening at all and I don't want you getting hurt or worse, dying."

My cat stared up at me putting loud.

"Look, 'fluffykins', you're one of the things she's given to me as a gift, I don't want to lose you... Please..? Ok?" I sighed before reaching a hand forward to pet it again.


"Ok, this is the Emperor's castle, and this is the town at the moment." I began while pointing everything out on the map Augustus took from his house to my house.

"And the field size at the moment is drawn this way from how I saw it." Boscha said before grabbing a pen and drawing it on the map.

We took in the moment to understand the situation before I said, "and finally, Miss. Lilith had said something about a portal..."

"A portal that did not work as the Emperor had intended it to if I recall you explaining?" I added.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now