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Amity's POV;

I groaned and rubbed my temple before glancing around.

I need a drink.

I really need a drink.

Standing up, I left thereafter shortly to excuse myself to my bedroom.

Walking through the quiet halls, empty of all the warmth from the party. The noises became faint and muffled as I walked farther and farther from it to my bedroom.


The door creaked shut behind me with a click as I took my cape and crow off.

Stretching, I reached into the bottom drawer and took out a bottle of wine.

Emira and Edric would scold me without end if they realize I've been drinking behind their back.

I snickered.

This is such a dangerous place to be drinking even just a bit.

Grabbing one of the wine glasses, I wiped it clean with a cloth before using it.

"I'm so lonely..." I sighed as I toyed around with the liquid inside the glass.

Putting the wine back inside the bottom drawer, I walked over to the balcony and opened it to let some night air inside.

It was cold, but I didn't care.

I drank bits from the glass, smiling ever so often when it hit it just right to me.

"I miss you a lot." I didn't know why but those were the first words that slipped out of my tongue when I took another sip.

"I missed you so much."

I laughed to myself.

Why would I ever want to sa--

"Why would I ever want to sa--"

I yanked my head around and fell paralyzed staring at the white mask.

I took a step back and my eyes squinted trying to understand the figure standing in front of me.

I drew out my sword in retaliation.

"Who are you? How did you get inside my room? And how dare you barge in here without an invitation." I furrowed my brows at them and slowly took side steps away from them.

They chuckled at me before raising an... An invitation..?

"What..?" I muttered under my breathe and felt my hands shake.

"My dear..."


My sword dropped heavily to the floor when she gently grabbed my hand that held it.

"I've missed you so much..."

I felt heat rise around my cheeks when they planted a kiss on my knuckles.

Their hands... They were filled with scars, old and older and their face had what looked to be way oldest than the others. It was such a large and visible scar, even the night itself tried to bare hiding it from my eyes.

I yanked my hand away.

"I will ask you again," I drew a spell towards them.

"Who are you? And how did you get inside my room?" I repeated, an abomination ready to engulf this anonymous person if they ever dare to take a step towards me.

The light inside my room was off as I didn't want to catch any unwanted attention of anyone realizing I'm inside.

"Are you an assassin?" I scoffed.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now