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In between Amida and Amity's dance.

She accidentally stepped on her foot that it caught her in a surprise when she was brought getting carried up in both arms and spun in the air like a daughter who had been cherished since birth just to cover up the small misstep.

As soon as Amity slowly put her back down to her feet. Their dance was over.

Everyone clapped loudly in awe over how adoring their daughter and mother relationship was.

Amida smiled and looked up at Amity.

Her smile slowly vanished when she saw that cold look Amity had, she wasn't even taking a second to glance down on her.

After the clapping slowly subsided into chattering, Amity begrudgingly left walking away.

"Amida, are you alright?"

Amida flinched almost instantly when she heard Luz worry for her beside her.

She smiled.

"I'm fine, it's just..." She hummed.

Luz raised a brow then slowly frowned.

"Did she whisper something bad to you while in the dance..?" She whispered.

Amida perked up in shock.

"No, no, no! Definitely not, ma! It's just I wanted to talk to her after the dance was over but..."

She couldn't explain what she had seen.

Luz huffed nodding.

"If you're unsatisfied with the dance she gave, do you want to dance with me then?" She asked, a warm smile plastered across her face as she offered a hand to her.

Amida stared at it and contemplated before shaking it off to rushing off.

"Wha--Amida??" Luz was taken in surprise when she ran for Amity.

She sighed.

'That little bugger.'


Walking through the place, she looked left and right before finding her way through the garden.

It was as beautiful as ever even under the moonlight itself.

Staring at the moon, she felt entranced to it. That her feet somehow felt numb to her.

Then she was hit by something in the shin.

It wasn't hard enough to cause her to yelp but enough to snap her out of her trance.

"What the heck was that for..?" She groaned hopping on one foot with both hands holding her shin.

"Don't stare too much at the moon when it's above that high, it's really pretty it makes you stare at it until it disappears."

Amida raised a brow and looked down.

She saw a girl, in such a beautiful dress it looked as if she was made ready for the party inside the castle.

"Yeah, my big sister's right, you shouldn't stare too much."

Amida yanked her gaze to her left to see... The same girl.

Twins? Correct.

"Wh... Who are you two young girls..?" She asked.

"Young girls?? We're only a year younger than you! You're obviously two years old, mami said so!"

Amida's eyes widened in confusion.

"Mami..?" She muttered.

"Yeah, mami said we had an older sister, her name was Amida Blight. It's you isn't it? You have mom's face but you have Mami's eyes and hair color."

Amida frowned and asked again, "if you know me, why don't I know you both? What's your names?"

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now