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As soon as Amity and Luz came back, they were both lunged into an embrace from the young twins.

"Ah, Amity!"

They both looked up to see Emira rushing towards them, no, not only her but Willow, Augustus, and Mattholomule were there running with her too.

That made Amity flinch just as soon as she saw it. That bird that flew with them.

"Uughh..." Groaning, she held her head and almost fell to her knees if Luz hadn't caught her in time.

"Amity!?" Luz worried deeply enough to carry her up.

Amity hissed, the pain in her throbbing head slowly kept multiplying the closer the bird flew to her.


Her painful and anguish scream made Luz's heart sink deeply.

"A... Amity!? Amity, what's wrong!?" She asked as she got down on both knees, her arms still holding her close.

"Hm... It seems my presence is working, it won't be long before all of the black magic will be eaten off of her by me."

"Thank you, Eater, we will repay you with this much of a feast."

Luz looked up at Mattholomule who kept the bird on his shoulder.

"Hang in there, Amity! It might be painful but it'll be worth it!" Augustus stammered.

Amity trashed, her crown fell to the floor as she kicked, making Willow run to the young twins to pull them away.

"Make it stop!! Make it stop!! Make it stop!! Make it stop!! AAAAAAAHHH---"

Luz's body was trembling as she held her close.

"W... What is happening!?" She stuttered.

"We found the only cure possible. This bird can eat black magic to the whole thing, it'll hurt this much but it'll be worth it, she'll remember and--"

"What'll happen to our twins?"

Augustus paused. That question Luz asked felt, guilty, worry, her eyes were teary even.

"I... I don't know." He muttered.

"She doesn't have it anymore."

"Aaarhhh.... Uhh." Amity felt weak having to endure such pain.

She fell limp as Luz held her closer.

"Why isn't she moving?" Luz muttered as she tried to lightly pat her awake.

"She'll be fine. She needs to rest."

Luz gritted her teeth and carried her in both arms.

"I'm... Going to put her to bed." She said before walking off.

Her expression felt cold.


"Uughh... Wil... Willow..?"

"Yes, yes, I'm here."

There was a smirk that left Boscha's face when she heard her reply.

Trying to open her eyes to look, she smiled at her.

"Where am I..? This better not be the palace 'cause I swear I've owed Amity enough to help her win the war, ugh-"

"Rest more, it took exactly an hour to take all the black magic spells off of you without leaving a single trace." Willow hushed her back down from standing up the bed.

Boscha fell back and sighed.

"Ok... But... Don't go anywhere, I bet she and her brother had it worse just like when it was getting sucked out." She mumbled as she slowly fell back to sleep again.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now