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Luz's POV;









Cheering echoed in the room and before I knew it, I slammed their fist down hard on the table and won, replacing the cheering with loud screams of joy.

Victory had already been mine from the start, I just had to keep it low into thinking I was strong.

It'd be weird for someone dressed like me to be that strong after all now, right?

"Winning much?"

I perked up and yanked my gaze over my shoulder.

"Oh, hey, owl mom. Busy much as well?" I chuckled.

She laughed and brushed me off with a strong punch on my shoulder.

"Oh, kid, I'm doing just fine. Cami taught me well with everything so you don't need to worry over things like that." She said.

I chuckled nodding before grabbing my suit from the side and saying, "well, I'm off to work now."

"Heh, so how's my sister doing?"

I perked up.

Shoot, I forgot to pay her a visit.

"Sorry, I got busy when I came back. I had to explain a lot of stuff to everyone I knew there, had to fix the house, had to patch Hooty up, and lastly had to try and catch Owlbert back." I said.

She raised a brow, shaking her head a bit, she asked, "wait, what happened to Owlbert?"

"Oh, nothing in particular, he's just a little homesick with the new house I built after the mansion one got destroyed completely into a big rubble." I shrugged.

She crossed her arms huffing before patting my shoulder.

"Alright stay safe, but if I find out Owlbert is hurt, you can kiss goodbye to your safety."

I chuckled at her remark.

Nodding, I eased her down.

"I promised Owlbert would be safe didn't I? That'd be really bad if I suddenly got him hurt, even I don't want that." I said before walking off with my farewell.


I sighed and dusted my shoulders a bit before pulling my sleeves a bit to look at my watch.

With a huff, I flicked a look towards one of the trees and to see him staring at me with those... Little eyes of his.

"You." I pointed at him.

"Get into the house now or I swear you're going into the staff..." I demanded.

As usual.

He gave me the same response.


I feel to my knees groaning in annoyance and disappointment.

Not to him but to myself.

I wanna strangle him back to the house but I can't. There's no way I can.

"Please, Owlbert?! I only have fifty five minutes before my work clock hits it for me! Please, just go home? Look, I'll treat you with ice cream later here. Eda's waiting for me to bring you back with me sometime later." I said.

Like he understood me, he flew down to my shoulder and nuzzled his head to my face. Most likely, he nuzzled at thr large scar.

"Wanna go to work with me instead then, bud?" I suggested.

And it seemed like he agreed to it.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now