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Amida felt... Nervous.

She was there with her family now.

Sort of.

Amity still had some doubts about her and Luz. She still can't remember all of it and she's just as cautious as she had when she came back from the war a year ago.

"What are you doing?"

Amida flinched upright by Amity's sudden call.

She had eaten half of her breakfast and had left it aside as it is.

"Eat." Amity said as she pointed at Amida's breakfast.

Amida meekly smiled nodding.

Luz smiled patting her head.

"You're really shy, you remind me of mi amor when we were both young." She pondered.

Amida snickered giggling into a hand and Amity felt a brow furrow a twitch. Somehow Amity was able to understand Spanish, she didn't know why she even knew Spanish was a language and why she even understands it at all.

"What's mi amor..?"

Luz glanced over to her twins. Nuit was just as curious as Jour in their side of the table.

"It means 'My Love' in Spanish." Amida shrugged before taking a bite of her breakfast.

Emira chuckled under a hand.

"Aww..." Edric cooed.

Amity groaned unto a hand, rubbing her temple. She didn't know why she had this weird feeling in her chest.

"Really?" Jour hummed.

"Did you always call mom that, Mami?" Nuit asked.

Luz felt butterflies in her stomach because of those questions she was hearing.

"I think ma does, she's always told me how she and mom were like when I lived here when I was a few months younger." Amida said before taking another bite.

The young twins were in awe.

"Huh... Now that I think about this, I never got your last names you two." Amida paused midway through another bite.

"It's Noceda."

Everyone paused and their attention turned to Amity who was reading through some financial documents sent by Kikimora.

"You..." Luz began.

Amity looked over, meeting her gaze.

"Used my last name for them..?" Luz couldn't contain the joy that her face lit up smiling.

Amity winced looking back down on the documents with furrowed brows.

If there were any camera filters on, Luz for sure had starry eyes and flowers around her with a happy glow behind her head.

"So... You two are... Nuit Noceda and Jour Noceda?" Amida wondered.

The young twins nodded.

Amida was in awe.

"Ma, she named them with your last name!!" She exclaimed.

Luz was still entranced at how they had her last name but immediately snapped shaking it off.

"Wait, why? How even..?" She muttered.

Amity lowered the documents to look at her.

"Before they even appeared in front of me, I unconsciously named them that. There's no point in taking it back if those are the first names they've heard me say." She said.

Luz mentally gasped in excitement and as you should understand, she was throwing herself a party in her head.

"Haha... Gosh! Breakfast today is much better than ever before, I'm off though." Edric stood up from his seat with a smile and then left.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now