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Amity's POV;

And OMG... This is a normal everyday ruler WORK..!??

I stared at the stacks of paper left and right.

How can that..?? What!??

"These are all the works he abandoned to spare all his time on finding his family."

I was snapped away from my thoughts when Kikimora spoke about him.

So he abandoned everything just to find his family.

"He never belonged in this world, that's why he kept looking for a way out while never giving any spare time to the citizens themselves who began earning responsibility to survive."

I nodded at what Kikimora said as I navigated around and through to get to the desk.

"A-Are you sure you want to do this, your high Empress?"

She stuttered a bit when I finally took a seat right after dusting it clean with a quick spell.

"Yes, I'd prefer to do this than loiter around the castle. I don't think I'm much like the former Emperor as you stated." I huffed and took in one of the stacks.

The first one was a noise complaint.

Easy to solve.

Second was a... A murder!?

This needs the guards! And the court!

The third was...

A change of magic usage..?

"A change of magic usage??"

I glanced over at Kikimora when I saw her move a bit in the corner of my eye.

"What is this..?" I asked, showing her the third paper I took.

She visibly gulped at me before saying, "it's a complaint from one of the schools, Hexside to be specific, your high Empress. The principal himself asked to disband covens and let everyone choose all kinds of magic that they would want to do or try to do."

Huh... Even though principal Bump is still alive and kicking... He's... Nice.

This is smart.

"This is smart."

Let's check the date of when this was made.


Seventy years ago!?? This was complained to before I was even born!??

"Excuse me, your high Empress?"

I glanced over to Kikimora and placed the paper close to her face with a serious look.

"Tell me, Kikimora... Why hasn't this been approved at all..? It's been laying here for seventy years with the other complaints." I asked.

That somehow got her frightened as she began stuttering at me.

"W-Well, y-you see, your h-h-high Empress!"

I stopped her before she could try and finish.

"Don't bother, the former Emperor didn't care about any of these did he not?" I asked.

She shot up nodding.

There, now that was a faster answer than your blubbered stuttering.

I dismissed her out of the office to start with my work.

I am not leaving this office until I've finished all of these in one sitting. Even if it means skipping food for a while or so.


I don't know how long it has been, but I was sure that it was the middle of the night and I was using a lot of light spells in the room.

All I've been hearing is the constant sound of my quilt and ink unto the paper.

This has been everything that I've been doing for the past hours, read, understand, and decide.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I called back.

"It's Kikimora, and I would humbly request that you get some rest, please, your high Empress."

I sighed.

That's a big decline there.


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