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Luz's POV;

I waved farewell to them right before were gonna fly off.

"Hooty, keep your guard up, doors and windows shut tight until I say so, and do not let anyone in or out." I said before walking inside.

"You got it! Hoot, hoot!" Hooty got the order in and locked the windows and doors that could allow access inside the house.

Strange, what was that weird split movement of presence. For sure there was someone else out there other than them.

Is someone spying on me..?

I walked over to the bathroom and stared at the mirror.

Sometimes, I miss him even though he was a jerk trying to get me to hurriedly marry Amity years ago. He was a fun voice to talk to but annoying at best.

Welp, time to take a shower to freshen up before bed. I'm beat for the day.


Finishing with drying my hair with a towel, I tossed it aside before walking over to look out the window.

The night is somehow peaceful.

Too peaceful.


Like instinct, I hit someone hard by their shoulder, cutting the blood flow for a split second to make them faint.

I frowned eyeing the person.

Is this a witch..?

I crouched down to grab its mask but they immediately threw a punch at my face.

I growled holding my nose.

"You..." I hissed turning to glare at the intruder.

"What are you doing in my property?" I asked.

I need to calm down. I might kill them before I can get answers.

They stood upright, their mask was different from the usual ones I've seen Emperor coven guards wore. Theirs was different, really different.

Is this something Amity added to her guards?

A spy..!?

"I'll ask again," I called out to them when they didn't answer.

"What are you doing in my property?" I asked, my voice stern and grating.

Still, they stood there motionless as if they were waiting for something or someone.

I raised a brow when I heard muffled screams and the crushing of trees outside.

That's when they finally moved, they suddenly flinched.

Huh, looks like they were waiting for someone outside.

And this one is in big trouble now.

"If you're not going to answer me, then there's no reason for you to be here any longer, right?" I sighed while walking over to my desk before pulling the drawer open to take out a jagckommando.

Taking it out of its cover, I shot up when I heard running.

Damnit! They're running away!

I rushed out of there to catch up to them.




I growled holding my face.

They definitely tried to burn my face off with boiling water.

"Too bad boiling water doesn't do shit!" I yelled before dashing forward.





Hooty opened up to look at me.


I smirked when I saw a hanging finger in between his beaks.

"Good job?" I was a little perplexed on how this kind of action should be dealt with.

I mean I'm glad he took care of the intruders outside but eating them is a little too much isn't it..? Or is it?

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now