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Amida's POV;

"I have one of the coolest uncles!??" I asked in shock when I looked over his shoulder and towards Mami.

She smiled nodding.

"Yes, and right now. He told us he wanted to see you and hang out with us for a bit so we'll be staying at his home for a week or two." She said.

Oh, boy, oh, boy!

I'm gonna get to spend some time with one of my uncles!? This is the best!!

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded.

I squealed and just rushed hugging her tightly.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Careful, hahahh... You're forgetting you relate to me now."

I flinched and loosened my hold.

I forgot I gained one of Mami's quirks being physically strong.

"¡Lo siento ma!" I chuckled while scratching the back of my neck.



I've never seen these kinds of food before.

Have I though? Maybe I had these back when I was a few months younger living here..?

"Your food here is really different from ours!" I exclaimed.

"Well, they may look the same but they taste the same. Here, this is chicken."

I stared at the offered weird peculiar meat in the fork Mami held.

I raised a brow.

I love chicken, yeah, but that looks more like dried-up tofu. I don't even know if tofu can even dry without spoiling itself.

I took a bite out of it.

My eyes lit up.

It does taste like chicken!! Woah!

"Woah..? It tastes just like chicken!" I said.

"Hehehh... Are you a fan of my cooking? I practiced and worked hard to know how to cook after I came here to work as a teacher at Hexside."

He can cook.

"You cooked all of this?" I wondered before grabbing a spoonful on my plate.

He nodded excitedly.

I smiled.

"It tastes great!" I said.

He seems happy I compliment the chef here.

But he also said he's a teacher too.

"Hexside? Is that a school?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Your Mami here went there when she was younger than you look right now, even attended it too."

Woah... Mami went to school here??


"Really? You used to attend school here, ma?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Just for a bit though," she said.

"Eh? Why? Was it hard learning there?" I asked.

"No, I didn't have to attend anymore." She said.

"Why?? Do they not like humans??" I asked.

"That's not exactly it." She denied.

"Then why did you attend just a bit only..?" I wondered.

She stared at me like I asked something surprising for her to be guilty about.

"Your Mami here was powerful so she didn't need it. Everyone acknowledged her power as a human who can do magic more powerful than the former rulers."

My attention was yanked by my uncle.

"Does that mean I can attend here too?" I asked.

He choked a bit on his water.

Is it not allowed..?

"When you turn three, I'll let you attend it."

Ehh?? I can attend next year only!?


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