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Luz's POV;

I laughed.

I know ranks supposedly have roles and I know for sure that the former Emperor didn't do any of those in his time of ruling. With Amity now Empress, she's trying her best to put it back in place again.

"Well, that's Amity for you, huh..." I huffed.

"Yeah." Gus sighed.

I smiled laying back on the couch.

It's nice having some company other than Hooty's.

"Oh, aren't you going to tell us more on those battle scars, Luz?"

I perked up by Gus's surprising question.

"Seriously?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Oh, yeah, you never told us much since it was a lot."

I huffed and smirked at Boscha.

"Well, I'm not one to just brag about them." I replied.

She exasperated a gasp at me, making Willow flick her in the nose.

I chuckled.

"But... If you two are that curious, I could tell the shortest one." I chided.

Telling them the shortest is probably fine.

"Can you, please!??"

Gus seemed excited over my suggestion.

I nodded.


"So who are you?" I asked the small gremlin wielding two handed swords.

He laughed and exclaimed, "I am the fourth ranked strongest!!"

I stared at it with confusion and suspicion.

"Sounds like a lie." I said.

Well, we were facing each other away, him facing east and me facing west as it was a ritual that two people who fight can't look each other in the face before the bell is hit to ring.

"We'll let our faces do the talking."

I snickered. That's such a lame thing to say for a gremlin himself.

To be honest it didn't matter if I look at the opponent one way or another.

As long as I can sense them, I can make their shape out easily without a problem.


I quickly yanked myself around and was immediately met with a knife jabbed through my side.


I was a little taken aback.

He's actually a few inches taller than the gremlin I shaped out.

"Wow, that was surprising."

Pain still wasn't a thing for me at all.

I need to get the Hell Grounds soul to feel actual pain.

"What!?" He flinched.

I immediately threw a straight jab into his face, a crack and his skull was now open.

The sound of the ending bell rang loud.

I won fast.


And that's how I earned this scar.

"And that's how I earned this scar." I finished while pointing at one of the old scars on my left side.

Gus smiled.

"You trained a lot, huh... Only took you one punch to break their skull!" He said.

I shrugged.

"I'm not sure though, one of my knuckles actually sprained itself after I got myself checked to a healer. The guy didn't survive though." I said.

"Pure luck then?" Willow wondered.

I shrugged again.

"Pure luck it is if you count the fact that I'm here right now." I smiled.

"It's good to have you back."

I smiled and patted Willow's head.

"Yep." I sighed.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now