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Luz stood up.

Amity reached a hand forward.

"I accept this marriage on one condition." She said.

Luz was eager as hell to listen.

"What is it!? I'll do anything! Anything you want I'll do it!" She exclaimed.

Amity smirked and then said, "never leave me, ever. Until death does us apart."

Luz smiled nodding.

"I promise this time! I swear." She said.

Now, this was something Amity was happy about.

"Great! Starting from now on your my king." Amity approved of her too much.

"Eh..!? King?" Luz shot up.

"Yes, it's been weird how my people have been asking me to get married soon before I reach my thirties, right now you're the only person I can agree on to marry." Amity hummed.

Luz felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck.

'But... What about my family and other stuff..? I can't take on that kind of responsibility.' she thought before saying, "I'm sorry..? Becoming a king is a bit."

"What's wrong?" Amity raised a brow.

Luz scratched the back of her neck trying to think of a better way to say what she wanted to explain.

"I can't really... Take on that kind of responsibility, because... First, I need to find where Aunt Lilith lives so I can visit her, and come back to the human world to visit my parents and talk out a few things with King about a book, and--"

Amity immediately placed a hand on her lips, hushing her before she could continue with her long explanation.

"Ok... So you have a lot to do with your own life, but it doesn't matter really. You'll just have the title king, you won't do much other than being my wife that's it. Or do you prefer Emperor instead?" She shrugged.

Luz shrugged back.

"I suppose Emperor is better but my parents... I haven't really bond with them other than that one time we had lunch together again." She said.

Amity hummed nodding in understanding.

"Alright then, you'll bear the title of being my Emperor but your job as one will be of your decision." She smiled.

Luz chuckled.

"You're carefree it's a little scary." She said.

"Well, I can't have you running away from me again. You're staying this time around, and you'll never ever leaving me." Amity said.

"What is this..? Child's play?" Luz laughed.

"Perhaps so... But the only child's play I'm seeing here is you staying put for the only time." Amity also laughed.

Ok, these two were having such a great moment, would be a shame if someone ruined it.

"Anyways, I should hope to you a safe travel." Amity sighed.

Luz raised a brow.

"Safe travel..?" She pondered.

Amity nodded and then said, "yes, you'll be visiting your parents, won't you? And you still need to pay Miss. Lilith a visit, why don't I come along with you?"

Luz scratched the back of her neck thinking it through.

"Well, if you aren't busy later on." She began mumbling.

"I'm free at the moment." Amity chided.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now