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There was another heavy silence that fell on the table.

"Y... You're what..?" Edric muttered with a twitching meek smile and furrowed brows.

"I am... Pregnant, Edric." Amity stood firmly, hands Placed heavy on the table. Her palms were sweating. What funny humor this table has for this young evening.

Luz was just as confused as everyone else.

Her thoughts were everywhere.

'I didn't sleep with her, right..? Definitely not, but why did she just--'

"Who's the father!?" Edric cried out.

Emira was stiff on her chair.

Camila and Eda slowly eyed Luz who was still stuck in their thoughts trying to recall whatever the hell would work to explain what Amity just did.

These two had one thought towards their only child.

'Please, tell me she didn't...'

Impressive, right?

Suddenlink Edric stood up and began yelling, mostly the same question towards Amity who was slowly breaking down as their arms slowly trembled wanting to give in to embarrassing defeat in the table.

Luz had to act fast, she needed to think of a way fast. Anything. Anything will do as long as it works. Can it work? Will it work? But will anything work??

"Amity, who is the father!??"

"I am the father!!!"


King choked on his drink.

Forgot he was even there still.

Luz stood her ground with Amity now.

These two gay dummies and with their antics now.

"Wait a second!" He called out, making everyone look at him.

"How in the world would Luz get the Empress...? Y'now.?!" He tried wording his question out to everyone.

"Magic?" Eda chided.

"A bir... A birth spell!" Emira snapped her fingers loud along the answer.

Eda gasped and stood up with hands on her waist, eyes directed straight at Amity and Luz.

She began yelling.

"You two have got to be kidding! Since when did you two perform a birth spell in secret togethe--"

"Ok!!" Camila called out to the group.

"Why don't we all sit down and take it easy..? And... Note down everything by far?" She tried to calm both sides of the family.

King just sat watching.


"Ugh--alright! I accept only because I don't want your child questioning who the dad is!" Emira gave in.

Amity and Luz were both thrilled over their heart's content.

"But if you make even the slightest of mistake, Luz, I will hunt you down." Emira hissed.

Luz mentally gulped. She nodded in agreement with everything.

"Ok, now that this is all settled. Who's ready for dessert?" King hummed.

"Thank the Titans we brought you along instead, King, you know how to keep it all steady here." Eda huffed as she laid back on her chair pretending to fan herself with one hand.

Camila was just as relieved as she was.

Luz smiled agreeing to him.

"Does this mean... The wedding plan can continue?" Amity wondered.

Emira hummed before saying, "yeah, but still. Someone waged war on us remember?"

"Oh, right," Amity meekly chuckled.

"I forgot about that." She huffed.

"Oh, who waged what now?" Eda stopped halfway through her glass of wine.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now