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Luz's POV;


I knew she wouldn't understand but why did I still tell her!?

She wouldn't understand how hard it is that I have to keep these secrets from everyone just to be with her even when it's no longer necessary to do so!

"Amity, I can't be with you until you know me well enough to understand me." I sighed.

Keep calm, Luz, you can't snap at her.

It's her.

It's her.

"Then tell me the reason we can't be together anymore."

I shot up.


"Anymore??" I asked, shaking my head I immediately say, "no, we can still be together but..."

"But what..!?"

I can't... Look at her face.


I have to.

"Amity, please stop crying, mi amor." I muttered, reaching out, I wiped her tears away with my hands.

"I told you... You need to bare with this a little more," I said.

I can't fall in love with a person who only sees the good side of me.

"I can't be with you unless you understand me." I said.

I flinched when she threw my hands away with a slap.

"Is this because I became Empress?"

I was confused.

"What?? No, it isn't..." I said.

"Is it because I changed?"

"That's not it either..!"

I grabbed her hands.

"Amity, please, stop being stubborn and listen to me..! Please," I called out.

She raised her hands over her head.

"You dare say those when now I can no longer choose either to trust you again or not..!?"

I held back rage from it.

"Amity, I've done so many horri--"




Someone came knocking.

I yanked us both behind a dark spot in the bookshelves in hiding from the person.

I felt so relieved she kept herself silent like me.

"Huh? Did Ed forget to turn off the reading lamp again?"

It was Emira.

Huh, she's changed, seems a tad more mature now.


I was quickly punched in the face right after Emira left letting silence and darkness fell into the library.

I held my face as Amity came walking over and kneeling beside me.

"Please, tell me... How can I get things back to the way it was?" She asked.

I can't believe it... I made her this desperate for me back.

"Find the truth around me. The real truth, not the truth you see when you are around me and when I wear a mask to keep your innocence from seeing what my hands get tainted with behind your back." I said as I tried to get up to my feet.

She sighed.

"Is that it?" She asked.

I nodded.

She growled and immediately threw light punches into my chest, it didn't hurt physically but emotionally.

"You damn jerk..!"






"Ow, Amity??"

She stopped right then and there when I called her name.

She sighed and suddenly shoved nuzzling in me.

I flushed and gulped.

"If that was all that I needed to do, you should've just told me and not say all of those stupid misleading stuff! I almost thought you found someone better than me."

I was shocked at the conclusion she went to.

How could I ever find a replacement for her!?

"What!? Nonsense! Why would you think I can ever replace you?" I asked.

She snickered at me.

"That's what I thought so too, there's no way you can replace such a beauty like me."

I stifled a laugh.

This little..!

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now