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Amity's POV;

"I just heard from Kikimora that you always eat alone, is that true?"

I feel like such a burden knowing everyone I've considered family even not blood-related sat with me at the dining table.

Emira was right though, I always eat on my own.

I'm not even sure if the former Emperor ate with his family before they disappeared.

"Yes..." I sighed.

"Amity!" I heard Willow call and then say something along the lines of, "why didn't you tell us you eat by yourself?"

"And here I thought Edric at least eats together with you." Emira sighed and I saw her give him a disappointing look.

"Hey! Amity always eats first before me, always waking up at five in the morning my body clock isn't like her's!" He objected.

I smirked and waited for our dinner.

"Well, it can't be helped." Boscha sighed.

"Too bad Viney, Jerbo, and Gus can't join us though." She added.

Augustus is so hard at work after I allowed the disband of covens, I wonder how he does his work every day.

"Now that you mentioned them... How is Gus doing..?" I asked.

"Oh, he's doing fine, he even helped me start up a large greenhouse." Willow said.

"A greenhouse..? Hm... How likely of you, and how is Boscha coping with so many plants around you two?" I wondered, maybe I snickered there too.

"Hey, I'm doing just fine."

I think I hit a nerve on Boscha.

I laughed.

"I'm joking, you always seem to keep yourself away from plants as much as possible whenever I notice you. Especially knowing you decided to help inside the castle more such as tucking the books in order." I cooed.

"Says the one who's allergic to not finishing work on time."

Did she just taunt me?!?

"Hey, my work is efficient and scheduled!" I frowned.

Everyone fell into a fit of laughter from that.

"Oh, you two... You're both still the same."

I chuckled. Willow's right, I don't think the interaction me and Boscha have didn't change one bit.


A few minutes later, or dinner finally arrived being served by the servants from the former Emperor.

They don't mind not quitting and I'm not one to fire so quickly as their work is well and efficient to notice.

I'm not sure why or how but my birthday was brought up while in conversation, because on my way to cut the meat, Edric asked about it.

"Oh, by the way, sis, how are you celebrating your birthday??"

I paused and stared at him.

"My birthday?" I wondered.

"Ohh, right... It's been so long since we celebrate it because of... Y'now, family issues left and right back then." Emira hummed.

I almost forgot about my birthday.

Lowering the fork and knife down, I listened to what they wanted to say.

"So how are you celebrating it, sis?" Edric asked.

"Huh... I never thought about it until now... I don't even think I have to celebrate it even." I said.

"What!? You have to! Hey, how about we invite all the noble families and citizens to celebrate it! It's just been a month since you became Empress too."

Boscha was testing everyone's guts towards me.

How could I ever say no to them now?

"How can I even say no, try me, you guys." I encouraged them.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now