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Amity sighed and lowered her gaze down to her cup.

The tea has gone cold.

Luz worried for her.

Mattholomule had said she was a little fatigue, it must've been unnoticeable due to the black magic consuming it along with her as stated.

"Amity..?" Luz muttered and then asked, "do you remem--"

"Yes, I remember."

Luz shot up.

She smiled widely in relief.

"Really..?" She stuttered, catching Amity to look up at her.

Luz was crying.

Amity reached a hand out and wiped her tear with a hand.

"Hey," she called softly.

"Don't be like that, I shouldn't have sent you and Amida away to your world for a year. I should've just let you stay instead." She said.

"No, no, it was right to tell us to go to my world but I was so worried when we came back. King had told me everything that had happened and I felt so guilty I wasn't beside you." Luz cried.

Amity stood up and walked over to her side, holding her close, she nuzzled close to her.

"Don't be... You didn't mean any of this to happen." She said.

Luz sniffled nodding.

"Mom? Mamá?"

They both perked up to see Amida along with the twins beside her.

Luz smiled and wiped her tears.

"¿Por qué lloras, ma?" Amida asked as she walked over wiping her cheeks.

Luz chuckled patting her head.

Amida shot up groaning as she shoved it away.

"Stop that!" She whined.

The young twins laughed.

"Mom, can we go see the circus today?" Nuit asked.

"Nuit! C'mon, mom just got better." Jour huffed.

"But they both looked a little sad and they were also worried we'd disappear." Nuit whined.

"What!? Disappear??" Amity shot up in worry.

"Oh, ma got worried that the twins were gonna disappear since they're made out of black magic and everyone rich calls them the illegitimate children." Amida explained.

"Illegitimate children..!? What..!??" Amity was pissed.

"Calm down, Amity, it's alright." Luz tried to ease her down.

Amity clicked her tongue.

"Calm down? Your name was tarnished as such by witches! They should understand all too well that I can not let this slide..!" She hissed.

Luz meekly laughed nodding.

"Alright, alright, but first, let's have a picnic lunch." She said.

Amity huffed and drew a spell, changing her clothes to better the situation.

"Let's go," she said.

"Huh..?" That caught Luz a little off guard.

"C'mon, big sister, and mami! Mom will show you a nice picnic spot close to the castle!" Nuit chided.

Amida and Luz perked up in surprise as they both hurried behind the twins.


"Woah!" Amida laughed as an abomination in the shape of a dog jumped in front of her with the floppy disk.

Nuit laughed as she waited for her to throw it back.

"Throw far!" Jour yelled in adoration as she laid sitting under a shade flipping to the next page.

Luz sighed and watched as Amity lean their head down on her shoulder.

"I love you." Amity hummed.

Luz smiled, replying, "I love you too."

[End of Season 2/Finale]

[The End]

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