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Amity walked over to hold the railing as she looked out.

It was a lovely view.

"This is still lovely even at daylight."

She finally remembers their date in Paris.

Luz smiled reaching to hold her hands on hers.

"Tell me, if there is anything you'd like to remember here more, I'll gladly take you." She said before continuing with, "I once planned to take you to another part of my world after taking you here but I never got to it."

Amity stared at her and lightly squeezed her hands on hers.

"If so... Let's go down there so you can show me around once again." She said as she drew a spell.

It immediately changed her imperial clothing into those the same as Luz's.

Luz was in awe over such impressive change.

Amity learned magic this well enough as she has the absolute power in her hands given by the former Emperor.

She could probably overpower the human world and make everyone a slave if they hadn't met.

Luz chuckled at such thought.

"What's so funny?" Amity asked.

"Nothing, I just thought you'd want me to offer you a new taste in fashion again but... It looks like you've got one for yourself first." Luz said as she reached a hand forward and kissed Amity's wrist.

"Shall we go, Amity?" She asked.

Amity smiled eagerly and grasped unto her hand firmly.

"Take me somewhere new here," she asked under a chuckle.


Before Amity even knew it, Luz had taken them both to a sunset cruise along the Seine, went and visited Le Mur Des Je t'aime, and went to observe the city from Square du Vert-Galant.

It was a new experience as it was daytime too.

Amity chuckled and said, "and that's how it went."

Luz laughed under a hand.

"It would seem the twins gave you a rough time when they were three months younger, huh..." She snickered.

Amity scoffed under a grin and nudged her by the shoulder, causing both to fall into another fit of quiet giggling.

"But, thankfully, you had a fun time with them and you never left their side." Luz pondered.

Amity smiled nodding.

"I suppose that's something I can be thankful for. But was it all worth it? Having to take them in as they're both made out of a loose black magic spell?" She hummed.

"Of course, it is." Luz held her hand together with her's.

They were now in Pont des Arts.

Amity hadn't even realized they were now in the bridge even.

"Amity, please promise me you won't ever think that way again." Luz whined.

Amity perked up in surprise at that sad look she was seeing.

It was cute enough to make her flushed.

She sighed and said, "I know..."

Luz smiled in relief and took her hold off of her.

"But where are we now?" Amity wondered.

"We're in Pont des Arts," Luz chided.

"We're in what?" Amity doesn't understand French at all.

Luz chuckled.

She always gives her answers when she needs them. Her will of research sometimes impresses here to this extent.

"Luz, what's this place about?" Amity asked again.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now