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Luz's POV;


That was all she could say after I explained everything from top to bottom of my... Miserable journey to be... This.

To be... Who I am right now.

I'm still not human as I wished to gain, but I'm alive. At least that's one thing for me to gain over my hardship.

Sitting still, I flinched when I felt arms wrap around me.

I didn't even realize she got up.

"I'm so sorry... You went through all of that... And just for her even."

I blinked a few times, my eyes felt a hint of sting as I realized I was now crying in her arms.

It's so... Nice to have a friend who cares like this.

"Thank you..." I muttered.

She hushed me down and I just cried there... In her arms.

Wondering what else I should do now that I'm back here.

I'm back in square one again...

And I don't want to know if it'll be for the worse or not right now.



I groaned and laid down on the couch.

"Are you ok, hoot?"

I should question why Hooty suddenly does this to me whenever I feel down or something.

"I'm fine, Hooty, how about you though? How does it feel to get attached to a new house that's been remodeled once again and is now getting used by me?" I replied.

"Oh! It's super great!! Hoot! Hoot! I feel less lonely now and the new house is a pretty nice adventure and a change too, hooty, hooty, hoot!"

I chuckled.

He's still loud as ever.

Can't complain too much about that.

"But, I've been wondering for a while now,"

I raised a brow and smirked when he tilted his head a bit at me.

"About what?" I asked.

I don't even know why I'm talking to him at all.

"What's with the big scar on your face, hoot?? And your hands are covered in a lot of small scars too!"

I sat up and felt around the old scar on my face, it's the oldest of the other one's.

"You wanna hear a story, Hooty?" I asked a subtle grin.

"Oh, boy!! I love stories!!"

Well, at least he's here to entertain me somehow.

"You wanna know how I got this one?" I asked while pointing at the large scar on my face.

He agreed profusely to know.

I cleared my throat out loud before deciding to begin.

"Ok..." I hummed.



I hissed as I tried to jump aside.

For my first fight the big boss himself, second in the tier list of strongest.

He knew his sword skills well enough to have almost hit me and probably cut my whole arm off.

I don't regenerate body parts here. I'll be in big trouble if it gets me and pain is real here too.

The stronger you are the stronger the pain you can inflict on your opponent.

Bawling my red tainted bleeding hands, I rushed forward and threw an uppercut before jumping aside when he coughed out heavy before swinging his sword again.

I dodged but something else caught me.


I was brought hissing when something hit me in the back.

Barely hit me in the back.

A fire spell..!? No, more like a water spell that's been made strong to wound anyone.

Growling, half my face was now bloody, the wound on my face bled a lot and half my upper clothes were caught in the damned attack.

I yanked my head around to see who did it and my heart sank.

The person I considered an ally had done it.

It filled me with much rage that everything went a blur and I woke up staring at the ceiling, body tainted red everywhere and my hands completely drenched and dripping.

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