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Amity's POV;

I stared at the open window and just sat there deep in my own thoughts.

I don't know why... My mentor who was rescued from the human... No, retrieved by the Emperor from the human realm, told me all of that when she was dying of almost losing all her magic in that area.

When she had told me that there was an invisible field that strips anything of magic, I immediately knew we had to flee that damned castle. Luckily I... Escaped with her before her magic could be completely drained and my magic to be half drained.

I still don't know about the letter.

I don't know if I can trust her and I don't know if I can trust this letter too.

I don't know what to trust anymore.


I flinched when Augustus placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

I... Forced an assuring smile on my face and said, "I'm fine, Gus."

He felt reassured as he nodded and made her way back over to Viney's side to check up on my mentor.

She was still not waking up.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang came from the door.

I immediately rushed over alongside Barkus and Emira who were already standing facing it with spells ready.

Cautiously opening the door with a quick spell, we were greeted by my cat.

I quickly caught it when it decided to jump at me.

This is strange, my cat has never tried doing this and... She couldn't have done that loud bang all on her own. It's a damn cat y'now..!

Immediately did I shove the door close even when Emira was still holding the knob.

I quickly locked it and stepped away.

"Mittens?? What's wrong?" Emira asked with Barkus seemingly whining a bark out of his throat.

"Stay... Away from the door... My cat can't knock that strong on anything," I warned them.

Luckily, they understood the idea when another pair of loud banging came from the door again.

This time, it sounded more aggressive than the first.

Barkus was quick to step far away with Emira readying herself for anything.

Letting my cat hop down to run off on their own to hide or anything. I readied a spell with my staff altogether.

Whoever was on the other side, they don't seem to be in a good mood today.


I'm... Speechless.

It was just Boscha and she was... Carrying Willow.

All she had said was there was an invisible field, and she somehow was able to see it.

Willow's magic was almost depleted. Close to my mentor's state even.

Oh, Titans... What is happening..!?

"Boscha," I called.

She glanced over to me, yet her hands still held in worry for Willow's state.

"Was there... Anything else other than you seeing this... Invisible field?" I asked.

She took her time before saying, "there was... The emperor guards were running in a frantic everywhere, it was chaos when I coincidentally saw Willow among it."

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