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Luz's POV;

I cleared my throat out loud to catch her attention away from the flowers.

"Oh, Luz, what's up?"

I smiled at her before saying, "can you do me a small favor, Willow? If you're free right now that is..!"

She smirked and crossed her arms.

"Ok?? What's the favor?" She asked.

I smiled and said, "Amity asked me out on a date."

If I was probably in Willow's view, I'm pretty sure she's be seeing flowers around me and probably a bright aura too.

She chuckled.

"Good for you. I'm guessing that's the reason for the favor but what is this favor you're asking, really?" She said.

What was the favor again..?

Something about flowers... Flowers...

Oh, right!

"Could you make the flowers bloom? Maybe... Even... Place a few bushes of white or blue roses..?" I asked, muttering the last bits from sudden butterflies.

Fidgeting my hands behind my back, I waited for her answer.

"I'll do it." She smiled chuckling and nodding.

"Really!?" I smiled eagerly.

"Yes, really." She nodded again.

I smiled wide.

"Thanks, Willow!" I said before rushing off.

"Where are you going??" She called, making me pause mid-way.

"Oh, I'll just buy some snacks." I said, a smile on my face almost brimming with joy before turning back around to continue.


Hopping out from the shadow.

I took out my phone and of course...


Now... What was her favorite dessert again? She told me a favorite dessert from my world for sure!

What was it again..?


Tapping impatiently by one foot, I perked up.


"Macarons!" I chirped.

Now... If I also recall correctly, the best place selling them to be hella tasty is... Ladurée! French luxury bakery and sweets maker house created in 1862. One of the world's best-known premier sellers of the double-decker macaron, where 15,000 of which are sold every day!!

Hehehh... I've still got it even until now.

Now, to get me some sweets for my angel.

I flinched mid-way going through back the shadow.

"Wait a second..." I muttered.

Did I just call her my angel..? Wait, I mean. She is my angel, what's wrong with that?? Well, she is, after all, my angel, right?

But... We just sort of got back together and suddenly calling her that so easily might be weird to her...

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

There's no reason to stop now! She's trying to win back my heart here and I also have to take responsibility for making her depressed after I left.

Her parents are dead now after all.


I smiled holding the box in both hands.

I got the box of macarons now... I hope Amity still remembers. This is one of my tokens of 'you are my one and only'.

Oh, I should probably bring donuts when I go over to mom and Eda's place later on too.

It'll be Eda's birthday and I can't miss out on celebrating it with them, not this time around.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now