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Amida's POV;

"Checkmate, Aunt Boscha."


I laughed winning the tenth round of Backgammon together.

The greenhouse is a little quiet, I thought Aunt Willow would be here just like Aunt Boscha said she'd be.


I glanced up at my aunt.

"Do you not remember me? Or your other aunts and uncles?? Maybe your grandma here even?"

I perked up.

"I also have another grandma here??" I asked with a raised brow.

She nodded and then said, "do you really not remember?"

I shook my head.

"I know what my mom looks though." I said.

She smiled while drawing a spell to rearrange the pieces back into their proper places.

"Luz said your magic is a little crazy, mind telling me why?" She asked as she pulled her white second left pawn forward.

"Oh," I frowned and then continued with, "yeah... I tried drawing a spell once when she tried to teach me how to float objects. I ended up destroying the item into pieces by an implosion, must be one of the reasons why she'd prefer she let me attend school when I turn tree instead."

She laughed while I drew out my right side knight.

"Is that so..?" She hummed before drawing a pawn close to the first one she moved in protection of it.

Her queen was open now.

"Yep, and... She also said that I'll have to spend some quality time with Uncle King which was a little weird now that I think about it. I mean, can't we just go straight to see mom instead?" I said as I opened up a King's Gambit.

She nodded in agreement but her face looked a little... Pale?? Sad?? Did I say something wrong..?

"Are you ok? You look a little sick." I asked.

She assured me she was fine and she continued her move by taking her open bishop out by the open.

I reached for another pawn close to the other I moved but something made me want to look up.

My eyes widened in worry.

She looks sick... Is she dizzy..!? Uhh...

"A... Aunt Boscha? Are you sure you're ok?? We can stop right now and get you help." I suggested.

She nodded.

"Please, do... Could you call Willow for me? Here's my scroll, I've unlocked it right now so please do call her."

She held her head low in one hand while the other offered her phone-like thing towards me.

I nodded and used it.

It was just like a phone which made it easy to use.


Aunt Willow came in the nick of time and rushed over to Boscha with something in her hands.

What is that..?

Is that a potion? Healing maybe??

"Geez, I told you to take twice the medicine today! You know very well that Viney and Barcus are doing their utmost best with the healing and potion coven in finding a legitimate cure than a medicine here."

Huh..? Cure? Medicine?

Is there something I don't know about?

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now