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Amity's POV;

"You two are the best." I said while gesturing an 'ok' towards them for the view of the ocean up the edge when they decided to bring me close to the sea.

"And the worst too." I added as I take in on account about the fact that they had to drag me out of my office right after we just ate lunch.

"Don't be like that, sis! It's also been a long time since we've gone out here!"

I sighed. At least Edric's enthusiasm is still in him.

"Wanna go take a dip?" I suggested.

They both looked at me as if they were waiting for me to say it.

I felt a trickle of sweat behind my neck, almost as if I had stepped into a ground bomb, and right now if I don't say the right thing. They'll surely explode in my face.

"So..?" I hummed.

"Are you kidding!?" Emira yelled.

I held my ear when did.

"We'd not just like to! We'd love to!!" Edric also yelled, making me have to hold both my ears.

"Right." I sighed grinning as I stood up and drew a spell circle.

I immediately gave myself a spell that changed my clothes to what I usually wear when I don't work.

If you didn't know, I wouldn't have the time to buy myself swimwear.

So right now, I'm barefoot, in black pants, and a white shirt that's probably been in the basket than the closet.

"Omg... Sis."

I snickered when Emira gave me a look someone who just got inspired.

"Three," I began without hesitation.

"Huh? Why are you counting?" Emira asked as I began to slowly back away.

"Two," I continued.

They both were standing close to the edge.

"Uhh... Is this something we're supposed to be worried about??" Edric asked as I got in position of someone ready to run a marathon when in all honesty I'm just going to do a double batista bomb on them.





Swimming up, I gasped and watched as both of them did the same.

"Amity!! How could you!?"

I laughed as Emira swayed water at me.

"Like I'd care?? Your faces were priceless!" I laughed while pointing fingers at her.

Edric laughed.

"Damn you, sis! I didn't expect that!" He said.

I grinned wide as they both began attacking me with slapped water to my face.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! No fair!!" I laughed covering my face with arms.

"Same goes to us! It wasn't fair for us both too!" Edric laughed.

I laughed before pretending to get pulled under.


I heard them both yell as I swayed around pretending to drown as they swam over to me.

I wheezed laughing at their horrified faces when they did get over to me.

Emira puffed her cheeks and Edric outright screeched at me for doing that.

"What??" I laughed.

"Sheesh, you two went sensitive with me. You both should know that I'm not one to get easily dragged under the water." I scoffed as I began swimming to shore with them following.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now