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Amity's POV;

"I... I remember now." I muttered under a hand.

I don't want her to see how flustered I am.

I averted her gaze and that's when I heard her chuckle wholeheartedly to make me glance back at her.

Her gaze was so soft.

It's always been soft, I could never get enough of it years ago.

I grunted trying to rid of those thoughts.

We stood there for a while.

In silence as we probably didn't know what to talk about until she suggested one. What a lucky save there for us.

"Do you still read the good witch Azura?"

I smirked.

"All ten volumes complete, yes." I said.

She smiled.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Oh, I couldn't read the other volumes from six to ten... As I was..."

Oh, shoot..! I forgot she was trapped in this place called Hell Grounds and was forced to reach the top tier strongest to get back from here.

"O-Oh! Oh, uhh--..! W-Would you like to read with me..?" I muttered trying to lighten the situation.

She seemed confused at me.

"The night is still young." I chided.

She smirked in amusement.

Wow! Way to go, Amity, 'The night is still young'??

What a classic you did there! Wow.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

I nodded, not understanding if those had any consequences in it or not.

"Then, would you like to lead the way?" She asked.

I stared at her before snickering and then falling into a quiet fit of laughter under a hand.

"What happened to you always leading..?" I played coy.

"Well, your high Empress, I wouldn't want to feel humble inside your castle like you."

I laughed a little harder.

She's still like this. I'm glad she didn't change too much while she was in Hell Grounds.

I cleared my throat out loud for her to hear before I made my way to grab a coat from my closet.

"Did you read my letter?"

I raised a brow at such a question.

She gave me a letter??


Oh, right! The golden vial she gave me!

"Not really, I'd prefer I read it tomorrow." I said under a light smile.

She just grinned at me as if she had something else planned for tomorrow.

I ignored that and hurriedly grabbed a coat that would be warm enough for me.

"Let's go." I stated with a hand already on the knob.

She smiled but then asked, "where are we going, your high Empress?"

"Please, just call me Amity... Don't act so... Fancy at me." I scoffed.

She stifled a laugh under a chuckle.

"Of course..." She sighed and then asked, "so where are we going, Amity?"

I smiled.

That's more like it.

"To the castle library itself." I said before quietly pulling the door open.

"And in secret." I whispered at her.

That got her excited enough to flush.

Why did I even do that??

Is she yearning or am I yearning..?

Whatever works.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now