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Luz's POV;

Smiling at the mirror, I checked my sleeves once again before my tie.

Everything seems... So perfect it's... A little too boring and nostalgic to me.

Oh, well... Amity will be putting out the announcement of the rank placement later in the afternoon.

So in the meantime... I can look around my world and get toured around by Eda if she has time.

Hehehh... Like she'll have time, she's probably a busy bee managing the club all on her own now.

I used to manage it myself more than her after all.

"Hooty?" I called.

He came stretching over from the front door to the living room and over here in my room.

I smiled patting his head.

He's been such a weird partner to be a security system here.

"I'm gonna be gone for a while but I'll be back before four, guard the place." I said.

He nodded before stretching off to wherever in the house.

It should be fine, I fed him a while ago his breakfast and he already had a few late night snacks yesterday night.


Humming, I walked around the hospital building.

I could feel eyes on me.

I think they're all gawking at me. All the young female nurses for sure are if you wanted to know.

Walking over to the front, I waved for their attention.

"Excuse me," I called.

The young woman in front of me jumped a bit on their seat when I called for their attention.


She stuttered at me... She just... Right.

I'm definitely too handsome to be replaced by Amity! Hell yeah...

"Hello," I said before continuing with, "I'm looking for Camila Noceda?"

"Oh, Camila? Can I ask what you need her time for?"

I scratched the back of my neck.

I just wanna see my Mami and tell her I wanna take her to have lunch with me, it's been a while longer since I've had a table with my family.

"I just wanna see my Mami and tell her I wanna take her to have lunch with me." I said.

"O-Oh! You're her..?"

I nodded when she tried to form it.

"Yep, I'm her daughter." I said.


I shot up and yanked my gaze around me.

She wasn't the only one who yelled that, everyone who were probably gawking at me yelled too but immediately tried to act as if they didn't when I looked around.

"So, does she have time..?" I wondered.

Her jaw was still hanging in shock.

"I should've known it'd be you,"

I perked up to look.

It was Mami!

"Oh, Mami!" I rushed over with a smile.

"Sorry, I came without telling you over the phone first. I wanted to see if you'd be free for lunch." I said.

"Oh," she cooed and pinched my cheek.

I chuckled at such an adoring remark.

"Mi hija creció muy bien." She said.

"Aww, I did?" I awed back.

"Of course, Luz, and yes, I'd like to have lunch with you." She agreed!!

"Yes! I'll tell Eda too and we can all go out to have lunch!" I chirped.

She laughed patting my head.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now