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Amity's POV;

I walked over to her and grabbed one of her hands unto mine.

I frowned staring at them.

There were old and older scars almost covering her entire hand to make it seem like she dunked it into a pot of green fire.

She hummed before saying, "oh... These are from all the fights I've won and lost."

I perked up and glanced over her face.

Knowing that it's actually not night time, I could see her much better.

"And your face! What happened!??" I asked.

She meekly smiled, flinching when I reached over to feel around the edges of the old yet large extending scar.

"Oh... I got this from my first fight." She said.

She keeps talking about fights but what kind of fights!? She looks like she's been sent out to the war front to die or die trying!!

"You keep telling me about fights but what kind??" I asked.

"The kind where there's no escape,"

I flinched.

"No remorse,"

I looked down.

"And no surrender."

I frowned.

Why did I even compare the situation I had when she disappeared..?

Her's was much worse.

"I see." I sighed.

"I shouldn't have compared the situation I had when I disappeared. Your's is worse, is there any way I can-"

"Please be nicer to me."

I glanced over to her.

I didn't even finish but she already had an answer for it.

I sighed and patted her head.

"Is that all?" I asked.

She smiled shaking her head.

"Find out about my real self more." She added.

I clicked my tongue.

I know that! I'll try and figure you out!

"By the way, your high Empress,"

"Amity is fine y'now."

When I said that, we both fell into a moment of silence before she just continue with, "your high Empress,"

I sighed.

Guess I won't easily stop her from calling me that.

Brushing it off, I listened to what she had to say.

"Alright, alright..." I huffed.

"Did you by any chance send men to scout me in my home?" She asked.

Huh? Men?? Scouting her home..?

Since when... Oh! Right, I sent the shadows to find out more about her after a short meeting.

"Perhaps I did, what about it?" I shrugged.

She snickered, chuckling, she was definitely stifling her laugh.

"I might've killed all of them and disposed of their bodies." She said.

I shot up.

"You did what!?" I yelled.

She leaned back when I leaned forward.

"Well, you see, your high Empress, back in Hell Grounds, sending men to scout me was something that irritated me really fast. In fact, I almost wanted to try and save one alive so I can interrogate it." She said.

She disposed of the shadows that easily!?

I growled.

Looks like getting information from you that way won't work.

I stared up at her smug grin.

Looks like there's no other way for me to find out about her.

"I suppose that way won't work," I huffed before saying, "well, it looks like dating is the only way I'll be able to get information out of who you really are behind my back."

"Huh?" She chirped.


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