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Amida rushed grabbing a small bottle from the table and popped it open to offer.

Amity immediately yanked it off of her hold, downing it all in one go before gasping for air.

It felt better now. It was stopping a bit now. Just a bit but the discomfort was still visible to her.

Grumbling, she tried to wipe the sweat on her face with an arm.

"Mom, your face is really red. Shouldn't you get some rest today instead of waking up this early again?" Jour worried for her just as much as her twin worried for her too.

Amity shook her head and tried to stand.

She immediately felt one of her feet go limp, making her trip backward.

Amida hurriedly rushed catching her.

"Careful, mom!" She said as she tried to lower her down on the near couch.

Amity sat down, a little flustered she was by the sudden catch, a little relieved she was that she didn't hit her head or anything.

"What are you three doing in my room?" She sighed.

The twins perked up.

"You told us we can sleep here when we asked." Nuit said.

Amity hummed, holding her head with one hand, she nodded in understanding.

"And what the hell is that stranger doing sleeping with you both as well?" She asked.

The twins hummed.

"She's Big Sister Amida so there's no way we can just leave her off so we told her to join us, she told a lot of stories to help us sleep too." Jour said.

Amity felt her left eye twitch.

"What..?" She asked.

Amida felt the hair on the back of her neck stand when she was looked at with such a cold glare. She felt very threatened.

"You have no eldest sister." Amity said.

Amida shot up.

Was this for real? Did her own mom just say that to her?

"What..? But she has your face! And Auntie Emira already told us how you were back when you were young. Mami even told us about Big Sister Amida too." Jour explained.

Amity's cold gaze only turned into a glare.

"That's nonsense, you have no other mother. And you most certainly not have an older sister unless I know the man who slept with me and another woman." She said.

"What are you--but you never made either of us three with any man!" Amida blurted.

She met Amity's glare again. She gulped, did she do it for real this time?

"Is that so?" She asked.

"Mom! You said you used a birth spell on us with Mami and even said there's no way you'd ever spend a single night with any man." Jour said.

Amity grumbled holding her forehead.

There were things she couldn't remember sometimes due to the pain she'd receive whenever it's strike her. And now she was having a hard time with her children.

"D... Did I say anything like that..?" She muttered trying to comprehend everything.

"Yeah!" The twins exclaimed in unison.

She had to believe it now.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now