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Luz's POV;

"Ooooohhhh!!! How cool, hoot!!"

I chuckled at Hooty's compliment.

I never even realized he can compliment like this.

I smiled.

"And then, I faced the last strongest," I hummed.

"Oh! Oh! Who is it~??"

He was that curious of who the titled strongest first??

"Nobody, silly." I laughed.

He was confused.

"Ok... I don't know why but when I did come back awake, there were servants and guards already around me, heads down and kneeling even when corpses were everywhere in the room, wanna know why?" I said.

He gasped and listened intently.

"Because I somehow killed the strongest of them all while I was still unconsciously fighting." I laughed.

That excited him to also laugh.


All this talk is making me lose interest in dinner.


Yawning, I got up but paused mid-way to grab a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

There was a letter in between Hooty's beak.

"A letter for you, hoot!" He muttered.

I grabbed it and opened it.

It was an invitation...

What?? I was invited already??

"What is this?" I scoffed at him.

"Hoot! It's an invitation from the castle! The messenger said every single noble family gets one as he was told by the high Empress! Hoot! Hoot!"

I pulled myself back.

Wait, wait...

Invitation? From the castle? The Empress herself!? Is this something really big!?? Please tell me it is.

Slowly opening the letter to see what the invitation is for...

It was...

"A birthday invitation!!!"

I screeched shadow boxing in excitement.

"God, yeeess---"

I'm getting too excited.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!"

I ended up screeching again before finally calming down and going over to grab coffee for myself after clearing my throat.

"Hooty, make sure to guard the house while I'm gone for the day." I said.

"Aye, aye!! Hoooooott--"

He went back to the front door.

I couldn't help but smile while making coffee.

Things are turning in faster than it looks and I feel so excited to see her again.

I can't wait...

No, wait!!

I need clothes to fit the occasion... Of her birthday I mean.

Is wearing a suit better..? I should get myself a new mask. The one I owned was destroyed while in the Hell Grounds.

Sighing, I savored a cup of coffee while staring out in the open in the back balcony before walking back inside with an empty mug.


"Hey, owl mom." I called.

"Yeah, kid??" Eda called back.

I meekly smiled and sat down with my mom and her.

"What are you two watching?? Is it rated bad for the kids??" I joked.

They laughed.

"Ehh, just some Disney movie." Eda shrugged.

"It's been so long since I've watched some Disney movies with you... I don't even think I've seen or heard of this one at all." I said as I got comfortable in the middle with them.

Eda groaned and gave space. I stuck my tongue out at her in mockery.

She wants to cuddle with my mom.

"Ok... Luz, let me grab the popcorn first." My mom said, chuckling, before standing upright after a beep was heard from the kitchen.

"What now..?" Eda whispered.

"Make me a new mask, please, the same kind." I whispered back.

"What!? Sheesh, I thought it was something big when you just shoved yourself in the middle!" She laughed.

I chuckled.

"Right, right, when??" She sighed.

"Later tonight, I'm attending a--"


She knows me all too well.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now