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Luz's POV;

I swear my mind was now a fuzz.

So a lot happened when I disappeared here.

Willow and Boscha got into a five year long fight and broke up before reuniting.

Amity lost both her parents and almost lost the twins. The twins themselves survived out in the wilderness for more than two weeks before finally getting rescued.

All the while those happened, Amity had upheld their home and joined the Emperor's coven at a very young age to keep their name strong when she was given the chance to.

A large forest fire happened once almost getting to my home, Hooty would've really been done for that time if he hadn't been lucky.

And lastly... When the Emperor opened the throne, a lot of small wars broke out almost everywhere while an invisible field continued to drain magic from them bit by bit. Half of the population here now are either powerless or trying to recover magic slowly after all of it.

I sighed.

"What's wrong, Luz?" Willow asked.

"It's nothing, it's just..." I huffed.

"A lot has happened, huh... And not all of them are in the slightest good at all." I scoffed and looked down on my tea.

It was warm on my palms.

"How did you two get into a five year fight though? That's really unlikely of you two. You dated young in Hexside if I recall." I wondered.

Boscha shot up looking really uncomfortable.

I shot up.

"S-Sorry! Forget I asked! That was really rude of me!" I stammered with waving hands.

"No, no, it's fine... I'll tel you about it if Willow here is fine with it."

Huh..? Boscha's fine with it?

"I'm curious but... It's your relationship and all, I don't want to butt in so suddenly--"

"You should know, you were sort of the one who... Y'now, got us both together years ago." Willow chided while pointing at herself and Boscha.

Boscha still looked uneasy but she had this look of understanding towards someone cared for.

"Ok... If you wanna know, just say yes."

Are they serious..?

"M... Maybe another time? When you two are ready?? It's really fine if you don't and you seem to feel uncomfortable wanting to talk about it." I said.

Boscha chuckled but it was filled with melancholy.

"Luz, sometimes love and sport don't mix together well." She said before giving Willow a kiss on the forehead.

"Love and sport?" I wondered.

If I recall correctly... Boscha was on the Grudgby team as the captain.

She was known as a winning force in her team and a great leader altogether.

But she's also a great scheduler of time and day, either it be about work as such or about taking Willow out on dates.

I can't possibly think of them suddenly getting into such a long run for a fight.

"You two love each other so much that you two are fiancees now, how bad can this fight even be..?" I hummed.

Boscha and Willow exchanged meek glances under smirks.

"It was very bad."

They said that in unison.

So it was.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now