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Amity's POV;

"And then I woke up with the number one strongest already dead so they immediately crowned me strongest."

I continued to listen to her stories that I almost couldn't realize how late it's gotten.

"Oh! It's gotten quite late." I pondered between her narration when I looked up at the sky.

She chuckled nodding.

"Time sure passes fast when you're having fun." She said before standing up.

I stood up as well but paused when she offered a hand in front of me.

"May I have this dance?"

My eyes widened and I couldn't help hiding a smile.

"Yes, you may." Nodding, I took it and she immediately pulled me close.


"Oh, you seem really happy today, sis!"

I perked up over Edric's sudden comment.

"I do?" I chuckled before taking one last bite of my dinner.

He smiled nodding.

"Yeah, you looked like you were even daydreaming too!" He chided.

"Did you go on a date with someone?" Emira asked.

Finishing with drinking half of my glass, I rolled my eyes thereafter and said, "I did, yes?"

They both shot up the table, their spoons and forks clattering unto the plate.

They yelled too.

"My little sis is meeting a guy!?" Edric yelled.

"You went on a date without us knowing!?" Emira yelled.

I chuckled assuring them.

"It's fine, and no, it's not a guy, Ed. Why the hell would I ever date a guy anyway." I said.

They both quieted down on their seats, fixing their demeanors while they were at it too.

"So you're planning to have an heir that soon?"

What the hell is he talking about?

"I didn't know you were looking for someone to inherit your throne soon. I and Edric can work y'now! We can work next after you."

And what the hell is she also talking about!?

"What the hell are you two talking about? I'm not looking for any heir or something, I'm just dating, ok?" I scoffed.

I mean I'm an adult now, isn't that something normal??

"Our little sister is dating someone and we don't know them..."

I flinched when their voices dropped heavily to depression.

"Urhk... They... They work inside the castle, ok? So you two shou--"

"What do they look like!?"

"Are they always busy!?"


"Do you two always meet inside the castle!?"

"When do they come to work and leave from work!?"

"Calm down with the questions!! Seriously, you two! I'm not a kid anymore!" I barked aloud.

They both immediately lowered back down on their seats.

If I were to say it though.

"They look smart but charming, most of the time, they're busy unless I order something from them. We meet in my office, and she comes to work early and probably gets off late unless busy." I shrugged.

They smiled while nodding enthusiastically. Sheesh, these two big dummies.

I chuckled.

"Why are you two so interested in this person I date anyway?" I asked.

"If they end up being like Luz who left you like that, I'm going to kill them."

Ok, Emira's answer is dangerous.

"Right..." I muttered and glanced over Edric for his answer.

"I'd kill anyone who makes you sad just like what Luz did years ago! Even though we were nice to her when she came back if she tries to put up a lovey-dovey side on you then leave again. I'll hunt her down."

Nevermind, his answer is much worse.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now