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Luz's POV;

As soon as they opened the gates, I walked through it.

I smiled when I felt the warm sun hit my face.

I could hear the faint noise of a cave closing in behind me as screaming followed suit over it when the portal began to slowly close.


I began coughing on my knees.

I forgot I ate the Soul to make it mine a few minutes before I decided to walk through the portal.

They won't remember my face.

After all... The most powerful being that gets listed there can not have their face be seen by anyone else for heavy reasons.

Sighing, I wiped my chin and stood back up to my feet.

Looking around, I don't even think much changed after... Err...

A few years..?

Geez, how long has it been??

No, wait, first I need to try and find my family!

Looking around when I walked into the city. It wasn't that hard to spot them...

Seriously, Eda never changes, does she?

Chuckling, I stared at the large ad board of her.

She still had that mask on, a toothy smirk with one sharp gold tooth.

Hey, Lus!

Oh, right... I forgot he's gone now...

After all that stuff he told me years ago, he just decides to finally put himself to sleep.



I whispered over when I knocked at the door.

The music in the darkroom with colorful lights was upbeat and positive.

Everyone there was laughing, drinking, and talking to their heart's content too.

Soon enough, the door opened and I heard the sound of glass shattering.

Looking down,

"Looks like someone dropped their dri--!?!"

I couldn't breathe for a split second when someone suddenly squeezed me in their arms.

Looking over to see who it was, it was my mom.

"Oh, mami..." I muttered.

"Oh Dios mío." She cried out when she pulled away.

"Cami, are you ok?"

I smiled when I saw Eda peek from a corner.

Walking inside, I closed the door behind me to quiet down the music and laughing from outside.

"Hola," I waved at them both.

Eda came rushing over and suddenly pulling me into a hug.

Ok... This is in reverse now.

I'm the one who's always asking for hugs at her when I can but now she's the one doing it.

I guess some things about her did change.

"Kid, is this really you!?"

I nodded.

"Where have you even been!? You disappeared so suddenly we were so worried!"

I meekly smiled.

"Lo siento... Owl mom." I muttered.

She sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Let's get something to drink and catch up on everything, ok?" She said.

I nodded and sat beside mami.

She was crying and even pulled me into a hug when I sat down.

"Sorry I disappeared... I didn't mean to do it." I muttered under my breathe.

"Ya no me importa, por favor, no vuelvas a hacer eso, ¿vale?(I don't care anymore, please don't do that again, okay?)" She said.

I nodded.

"I won't ever do that again, mami." I promise this time.

This time... This time I'll stick to my promise.

I will.

"Oh, te extrañé mucho, Luz.(Oh, I missed you so much, Luz.)"
She gave me a forehead kiss then and there.

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now