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That made Luz chuckle, catching Amity's attention towards her.

"What are you snickering at for?" Amity sneered.

Luz waved a hand as she said, "no, no, it's just... It reminds me of you back then."

Amity's eyes widened for a split second.

She was reminded of her younger self over something that trivial, huh..?

"You... You were in the Abomination track if I recall, you wanted to join the Emperor's coven even if it means working yourself this hard." Luz pondered.

Amity lowered her gaze on her cup.

"Yes, that's quite true. I did dream of doing such a thing as both my parents were already part of the Emperor's coven back then, they were both even planning to take Em and Ed with their connections from it." She said.

Luz smiled nodding lightly.

"Are you tired?" She asked.

Amity shook her head in denial.

"Our children have such peculiar growth spurts, even Gus himself has it with me that those three are growing as such because of the 'love' we gave in to the spell." She said before falling into a small fit of snickering.

Luz chuckled.

"True or... It might be because of me." She sighed.

Amity perked up raising a brow at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Remember back when I told you about Hell Grounds?" Luz asked.

Amity nodded.

"I remember a bit about it at the moment..." She mumbled.

Luz hummed, leaning back on her seat, she huffed before saying, "back then, I accidentally consumed blood from an Ambrose."

Amity was now interested.

"A creature's blood called an Ambrose?" She pondered.

Luz nodded.

"Yes, it caused me great pain for a split second but I was told it was now part of my blood so... I suppose I'm... The last remaining mixed-blood creature who consumed the blood of an Ambrose." She said.

Amity sat back watching her.

She had such a sad yet disappointed look. What was she disappointed of even? She couldn't tell.

"What's that look for?" She asked.

Luz perked up in surprise.

"Oh... Nothing, nothing. Don't worry." She assured.

Amity huffed nodding.

There was a moment of silence between them before Amity gave in to a decision.

"Hey," she called.

Luz hummed.

"I want to remember everything, not bits of everything but everything." She said.

Luz's eyes widened in surprise.

"I want to remember everything about you."

That made something click into her head to stand and offer a hand.

Amity was taken by surprise staring up at her.

"Then... Would you like to go on a date?" Luz asked.

Amity was in awe and surprise.

Nodding, she took the offered hand and was yanked through their shadow.


A sudden gush of wind surprised Amity to cover an arm on her face.

Wincing to look up, she looked around.

"Do you remember this place?" Luz asked.

Amity knew they were somewhere high up as it was a bit cold.

"No," she said.

Luz smiled and said, "this is the Eiffel Tower, Amity, I took you here when you were sad."

The Angel [2] (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now