Chapter 508

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Matt's POV: One person down, a few more to go. Telling Boden was hard enough as it is. Now, me and Gabby were making our way to the lounge to make what was going to be my last speech as Captain. This was my resignation speech and my first speech as the new paramedic in chief. God, that sounded weird. Probably the first male paramedic-in-chief in a while. However, I was going to enjoy it as that meant I was going to work with Gabby everyday. 

Once we made our way into the lounge, everybody smiled at me. "Glad you're back Captain." I heard Cruz say. I nodded and smiled at him. "I wish it was under better circumstances. If you could all please sit, I need to make an announcement." I turned to Boden. "As you all know, I have been in the hospital quite a few times recently. After ever fire, I've gone to get scans. However, what you don't know is how bad it truly is."

Everybody got quiet, knowing that this can't be good news. "I just got the worst news you can get as a fireman. My lungs have been diagnosed as Code Orange." You hear a pin drop in the room as I said that because I was a healthy, young man. Heck, even Hermann and Mouch's lungs were in better shape than mine. However, I have been smoking a lot.

"It has been attributed to smoking and a couple bad fires. Therefore, for my health and safety...I am resigning my post as Captain effective immediately." Hermann then looked at me and nodded. "I would also like to announce that I have been hired as the new paramedic-in-chief." Gabby smiled when I said that. "So, I will still be here at 51 on a daily basis in the new year." 

Everybody then got up and came to hug me. "God Matt, this is horrible news." I heard Stella say as she hugged me. Everybody gave me hugs with Hermann being last. "Hermann, I want to let you know that I am going to be recommending you as the next Captain for Engine 51." Hermann nodded and smiled, "It would be my honor to fill your shoes Captain." I smiled at him.

I smiled at them all and looked at Gabby. "Mind if we stay for a while? I'd like to be around my firehouse friends to digest this news." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Let's go grab some of your things from your office and then we can sit down with everybody. How about somebody makes some lunch for us?" They all nodded and smiled as people got up to make lunch.

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