Matteo is 2 Months Old!

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"Matteo is 2 months old! What memories will he have of Gabby if this goes bad?"

Antonio's POV: When I heard what Matt just said, I knew right away that he didn't want this. He was scared out of his mind and was worried just like me. I guess I am just mad that this is happening. Yes, he probably could've taken more precautions but...I am in no place to judge. However, right now...I need to be the supportive big brother and brother-in-law.

"Let's not think negative. Who knows, maybe the test will be negative?" Matt nodded and then sighed. "Think you can call Sylvie and ask her to join us at our place?" I smiled. "Sylvie is at work. I would love to be there though." Matt nodded. "I would love the support. Gabby probably would too. Then we can talk about it. Please Antonio, just be on our side."

I agreed and then went to hug him. "I will be, anything for my sister." Matt held onto me tight and you could tell he was scared out of his mind. He was holding onto me like a baby would if they are scared. I then pulled away and put my hand on his shoulder. "Listen, this time around...she's in Chicago. If she's pregnant, she'll be on bedrest and she'll have great doctors."

Matt nodded and then sighed. "Let me buy this and then we'll go to my place. The longer we stay here, the longer we don't know and the less time we have to figure everything out." I nodded and walked with him, ready to go back to his place to be there for him and Gabby.

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