We're In This Together Part 1

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Matt's POV: As I prepared to explain to Gabby while I blamed myself for the divorce...I took a few deep breaths before talking. "I blame myself because I felt like I wasn't there for you. Between getting the bad news, and then loosing Louie...I didn't do what I was supposed to do. This." I pointed, referring to me holding her in my arms and letting her grieve. I then grabbed her hand again and moved to intertwine our fingers.

She then put her head on my shoulder while I wrapped my arm around her back. "Instead, I went right to looking for somebody to replace Louie. To give you the baby you always wanted. However, we didn't even talk about it. At it all just went downhill from there. We weren't talking, we were just co-existing in what we called home. But honestly, it wasn't a home...it was just an apartment. Sure, we slept there but...you have to agree we weren't acting like we were married."

Gabby nodded and then rubbed my hand. "Heck, I don't think I even let you touch me much after we learned that news." I nodded and then kissed her forehead before rubbing her back. "That's why this time will be different. Gabby look at us, we are talking about it...we are sitting in bed and you are letting me hold you. This is what marriage is...being there for one another through the good times and the bad times."

Gabby nodded before nuzzling her head in the crook of my neck. "Gabby, I just have to say this because I want you to know this. I am here for you. If you need someone to hold you....I'm here. If you need someone to yell at....I'll listen and let you yell. If you need to cry...I'll hold you." Gabby just looked at me, looking into my eyes. "Gabby, I promised you the day Matteo was born we were in this together. I didn't just mean raising him...I meant everything."

Gabby smiled when I said that before leaning up and kissing me softly. "God, I just want to have you so bad. That's what I need now but it's not a good idea." I looked at her and shook my head before kissing her forehead. "It's too soon. Just give me time okay? Plus, we need to talk about that anyways. We need to figure out where we go from here." That unfortunately, didn't make Gabby too happy and she sat up, yelling. "I thought you just said we're in this together!"

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