We've Decided to Abort the Baby

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A couple hours later, after eating lunch at the hospital and spending 3 hours in recovery:

Gabby's POV: As I walked into our apartment, I saw Antonio sitting on the couch with Matteo. That's when I decided to tell him what we are doing. I sighed, hoping he understood. I walked over to him on the couch before sitting next to him. "Matt, can you come get Matteo for me? Maybe change his PJs. He's been wearing these for a while." Matt nodded and walked over to me. "You going to tell Antonio?" I nodded.

Antonio then looked at me confused. "Tell me what?" Matt then came and grabbed Matteo. He then looked at me and kissed me softly, giving me the confidence I need. Once he was gone, I looked at my brother and sighed. "Antonio, I need you to not hate me for this." He just looked at me confused. "I have decided that my life is worth more than this baby." Antonio looked at me. "Gabby, I completely understand. You're scared."

I nodded. "I've decided to go ahead and abort the baby. I am doing it naturally with medication. I already took the first dose. I just have to take one more in 2 days and then the pregnancy is gone." Antonio went to grab my hand and then rubbed it. "How are you feeling about this? I know you seemed excited earlier about the baby." I nodded and then pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "I was excited. But, I just got Matt back...we just had Matteo."

Antonio nodded and let me talk. "I just couldn't go ahead knowing the risks. I got scared and told Matt that I couldn't do it. He understood and said that what matters to him more is the fact that I am his wife." Antonio smiled when I said that. "Listen, what do you say instead of staying here we go out? Right now, I think you need some time with family. Let me call Sylvie and we'll take you, Matt and Matteo out to lunch."

I smiled when he said that. Apparently Matt liked the idea too because he came out right away when he said that. "Maybe we can go to Subway or something." I smiled and looked at him. "How much of that did you hear?"

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