We're In This Together Part 2

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Gabby's POV: When Matt said that we needed to talk about how we need to figure out where we go from here, I thought he meant divorce again. He literally just said that we're in this together! What the heck. I was pissed. How could he even think about leaving me when I am in this state? When we have a son together....a son I put my life on the line to give him.

"I swear to god Matt, you divorce me...I am going for full Custody!" Matt then sat up and looked at me. "Woah, slow down!" He moved to sit close to me and then hugged me. "Gabby, I am not going anywhere. I meant that when we got back together...I mean it now. Remember, the only reason we divorced was because you left to go to Puerto Rico...not the aneurysm."

I put my head on his shoulder and rubbed his arm, letting him talk. He then leaned back and grabbed my neck. "Gabby, you are my wife. Matteo is our son. You are my miracles. Yes, is this bad news? Of course it is! But, am I going to sit here and go down the same path we did last time? Hell no!" I was starting to understand what he meant and moved to lay down. 

Matt then laid down on his side neck to me, leaning over me to look into my eyes. "Gabby, I have a second chance to do this right. Last time around, I pushed you to try and adopt again. We just went over this, I am here for you. Gabby, believe me when I say that. Believe me not because of what I am saying but because of what I've already done for our family."

I nodded and realized what he was talking about. He was leaving Engine 51 to join me on ambulance so that he could save his lungs from more damage, he got back together with me the minute I got back into town, he proposed to me the minute he learned that we were having a baby, he put his life on the line to save our home, he married me even when my dad threatened to kill him. "Matt, I'm so sorry." I started to cry after thinking about all that.

Matt sighed and looked at me. "Listen, lay down on your side...come close to me and tell me what you're thinking." I nodded before doing what he asked me to do. I then grabbed his hand and brought him close to me before slipping my legs in between his. He smiled when I did that before putting his hand on my hip. "Gabby, please...we promised to be open with each other. Le me in and let me help you through this. And remember, you're not the only one grieving...."

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