Chapter 632

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Gabby's POV: When I told them that Antonio and Sylvie are having twins, everybody just stared at me in shock. Hermann was the first to speak up, like always. "That's great. Now, you guys are going to have two nieces or nephews." Matt smiled. "We actually already have 3. 1 boy and 2 girls. So, we'll have 5 in total." I nodded and smiled, walking over to the kitchen.

"Oh my god Chloe, is this from Molly's?" She nodded and smiled. "Joe likes going there so, I thought maybe the firehouse liked going there too." I laughed and smiled. "Uhm, we actually own the place. Well, me, Matt, Hermann, Mouch and Trudy Platt do." Matt looked at me. "Mouch does?" I nodded. "Uhm, he bought Ottis' shares in the place. He also tried to buy my shares!" 

Hermann looked at me, shocked that I found out. "How did you...." I looked at him. "I get access to those books. I saw that you sold my shares to Mouch. By the way Mouch, I need you to drop by the bar one night. I need to give you a refund for my shares." Mouch nodded. "It's okay. I'll just become the majority owner. Double my number of shares." 

I stared at him. "If anybody's going to be the majority owner, it's me and Matt." Hermann didn't like the sound of that. "Excuse me but..." Matt then finished my train of thought. "I built the place for you guys. We are co-majority owners. Me and Gabby own 40% and so do Mouch and Trudy." Mouch nodded and agreed. "Hermann, just shut up or I'll let Trudy change the menu."

I stared at him. "What does Trudy want to do with the menu?" I then went to grab some of the food Chloe brought and smiled while walking over to Matt. Giving him a plate of food too, I smiled as we sat down together. "Trudy wants to add more salads and vegetarian options to the menu. But, it's a bar." I thought about it and actually liked the idea.

"Well, we could always try and hire people to work there during the day? That way Trudy can have a lunch menu. Our night menu is too classic to change." Mouch smiled, glad I agreed. "Exactly what I told to her! You need to talk to her." That's when I heard Trudy walk in. "Are you referring to me?" Mouch looked at Trudy, scared because he's eating chips and a lot of carbs.

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