We're In This Together Part 3

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Gabby's POV: When Matt reminded me that I'm not the only one grieving, I felt so bad. Here I am lashing out at him when he is probably grieving too. I mean, he loves kids and always wanted them. It was one of the reasons we divorced...because I couldn't give him kids. But, now we have Matteo and we almost had a second baby. Things are different now and I need him, just as much as he needs me.

"I guess I was starting to do it again." Matt looked at me and nodded as he went to kiss me. "Gabby, I love you. And I would've loved this baby...heck, I still love the baby we were going to have. I loved it because of the smile it put on your face. Honestly, it was so nice to see you that excited. Trust me when I said this...the smile I saw on your face when we learned we were pregnant was 10 times as big as just when we are with Matteo."

I nodded when he said that. "And Gabby, I was so excited for it too. Because of the journey we could've had together." He then moved to kiss my hand. "But Gabby, if I have to put your life on the line to have children...then I can't. Gabby, there are many things that I would give up to have children. My job, money, our home...but you are not one of them. I love you and you are the only mom I want for my kids."

I nodded and then went to kiss him softly. In that moment, everything just felt right. We were alone, we were talking and I felt like we could get through this. And while it would be hard, I knew this was the right thing to do. Having a baby was not worth loosing everything I had here in front of me. I then moved to bring Matt on top of me. He smiled when I did that and just looked into my eyes. "I want to feel you touch me, please me just not too far."

Matt nodded and agreed. "Clothes on?" I nodded. "We are wearing sweats for a reason." Matt smiled and nodded before being down to kiss me. Putting his arms next to me, Matt took his time as he kissed me and gave me the pleasure I need to try and forget all the horrible news we got today. It also reminded me why I loved him so much. Because he didn't need anything other than me to be happy. I now knew that and was ready to give him what he wanted. 

Moving his lips to my neck, I moaned when he started to leave kisses on it. I knew Matt was enjoying this because we never did this. It was either quick, fast sex or just kissing. He never pleased me with our clothes on. And I was just glad he was doing it this way. Nothing ever felt better than this because I got everything I wanted. Love and pleasure from the man I love, and reassurance that he will always want to be my husband...even if we just have Matteo.

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