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Antonio's POV: While sitting at my desk in the district, I was currently doing some paperwork when Gabby called me. I looked around to see Voigt was in his office and answered my phone. "Last time I checked, Matteo was w...." Gabby interrupted me and gave me a scare. "Antonio, shut up. We just got dispatched to your office. Pregnant woman in distress."

I got scared when she said that. "Sylvie's the only pregnant woman here. Where is she?" Gabby then answered. "Lobby!" I nodded and hung up, grabbing my jacket to go downstairs. I ran downstairs as fast as I could when I saw Sylvie there on the ground, passed out. "Sylvie!" Platt walked over to us when she saw me get close. "Antonio, Gabby's almost here."

I looked up at Trudy. "Why didn't you call me? You know I'm the father!" She nodded. "I was about to call you. The line was busy. Sorry if I called 911 before you!" I nodded and looked at her, feeling bad when I heard Gabby. "Antonio, get in the back of the Ambo. We'll be right there with Sylvie." I nodded and got up. I tried to stay though. "Matt."

Matt grabbed me and then pushed me out the door. "Antonio, she's family. We got her. Just get in the back. The sooner you're in the back, the faster we're there. How far along?" I looked at him and thought about it. "Maybe 10 weeks?" Matt nodded and went to radio. "Ambo 61 to Med?" The radio then replied. "Go ahead 61." Matt smiled. "En route with pregnant woman in distress. ETA 5 mins. Father is Antonio Dawson."

Once Gabby had Sylvie on the backboard, she looked at Matt. "Let's go." He then walked over and helped pick her up, putting her on the stretcher. I grabbed Sylvie's hand as we were about to go. "Trudy, can you get someone to bring my things to Med? I'm leaving for the day!" Trudy looked at me and nodded. "Sure thing! I'll talk to Voigt." I nodded, going with Matt and Gabby to the ambulance. Once we got there, I looked at Gabby.

Matt was about to get in but I stopped him. "You drive, she works!" Matt nodded and then went to get in the driver's seat. Gabby hopped into the back with me. "Antonio, help me get her jacket off." We then closed the doors and Gabby slapped the back of the cabin to go. She then went and started doing tests on Sylvie for when we arrived at Med.

Miracles Season 4: Curveballs (Dawsey)Where stories live. Discover now