Chapter 36

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She knew this question was coming but she still hoped he'd forget. "First, I need to know this isn't a dream. I need to know it's real."

Aaron smirks at her, grabs his phone and turns the screen so she can see 8D staring back at her.

Aph growls and then laughs, "That face! But that's good. F.C., I know I mentioned it earlier but you know I died back at Starlight, right?"

Aaron briefly closes his eyes and nods. As he opens them to look at her, he watches her bite her bottom lip and take a deep breath. "When I died, I ended up, I ended up back in the house I grew up in. I couldn't move on, I was stuck. You don't remember him but Blaze was there. He told me he had already been judged but couldn't move on as long as I was stuck there. As I sat there, I could feel your pain and it hurt knowing I couldn't help you. That's when I met her. That's when I met Irene."

Aaron blinks a couple of times but stays quiet. He knows she needs to say this to at least one person as much as he wants to hear it.

"She was there for the same reasons I was. She was stuck and couldn't move on because the only one who could judge her was herself however she was given a choice. She could hold off judgement and be given a second chance to live or she could give up that chance and give it to someone else. She said she had lived a long life, longer than she should have and she was ready to rest, to be with the people she loves. So she gave it to someone else. I insisted on it going to Blaze but he refused. He said it was already too late for him. So, I was able to come back. But I didn't come back alone."

Aaron breaths slowly, "Irene."

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