Chapter 174

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Aph doesn't know how long they actually stayed like that but like all good things it abruptly came to an end. It started as a slightly uneasy feeling and then the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand on end.

She froze in Aaron's arms as Ivan's dark aura swept over her and a sense of impending doom came over her. Aaron could feel the change in her and glances down, "Babe?"

She takes a deep breath and quietly whispers, "Ivan."

Before Aaron could move roughly a dozen dark figures appear along the perimeter of the community area effectively corralling them in the center. Luckily all the visitors to their little event had already gone home for the night leaving just Aph and the other residents of their street.

The music screeches to a halt as the others finally become aware of the change and they all move to gather around Aaron and Aph. Aph refuses to let them shelter her and pushes her way to the outer circle.

She can hear Aaron begging her to stay where it's safe but she knows if she doesn't do something now someone will get hurt and no one will be safe. She sees Lucinda and Hyria circle around to join her and she smiles at the older woman.

Lucinda shrugs, "I had a feeling she would come in handy tonight."

Aph nods, "Yeah something told me he was going to show up."

Their group grows quiet as they watch Ivan push his way through his minions and start laughing under his breath. Aph's skin crawls just listening to him and she knows this will not go well.

Ivan raises his arms and looks to Lucinda, "Well Lucinda, it looks like your little party was a success. I wish I could have come sooner but I had a few matters to attend to. I hope you're not too upset that I'm late."

Lucinda glares at him, "I'm not upset at all. I'd be even happier if you hadn't come Ivan. We told you, you aren't welcome here."

Ivan glances around their group and shakes his head, "Aw come now Lucinda, don't be like that. It would be a shame if something unfortunate happened because of your mouth. Now I know you don't have enough power to pull all of this off so who helped you? I just want to talk to them, nothing more."

Hyria straightens and nods, "I helped my daughter with the decorations. What do you want demon spawn?"

Ivan turns to look at her and it's clear he's reading her aura. "While I can see you have some magic old woman, the energy on this street doesn't match. I feel Lucinda's but there's another, much more powerful vein running through it all. Now, who is it?"

The group is silent and several seconds tick by while he begins to grow agitated. When no one gives him what he wants he sighs like he's come to a hard decision. "Very well. You won't tell me who they are and for the moment they aren't volunteering so I'll have to find them myself. With the right leverage everyone caves."

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