Chapter 85

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After the door closes behind Ivan Aaron gently closes his hands over Aph's shoulders as she collapses back against him. He lowers her into the closest seat and then crouches in front of her to get an idea of how she's feeling.

He watches her slowly blink and can tell she's struggling to keep them open. With a low growl, he lifts her into his arms and carries her back to the break room so he can lay her on one of the couches. Her whole body begins to tremble and he's not sure what to do.

Aaron can hear the customers talking about what just happened and knows the moment all their friends file into the break room behind him. What he didn't expect was to find Carter crouching down beside him and glaring at him as he looks Aph over.

Carter sighs, "What happened? I told you both you were rushing her progress."

Aaron returns Carter's glare and growls, "She's been doing fine. We just had an unexpected visitor and he upset her is all."

Carter opens his bag, pulls out a blood sugar test kit, and quickly draws a small sample of her blood. When the numbers flash on the screen he pushes to his feet and disappears into the restaurant.

Aaron absentmindedly rubs the spot where he took her blood and sighs as he studies her face. Aph slowly opens her eyes and gives him a weak smile, "Don't worry so much Aaron. I'm fine, just a little tired."

Carter returned with a small glass of apple juice and instructed Aph to drink it. When she finished Carter placed the glass on a table beside the couch and frowned at her. "I don't believe it was your visitor that caused this. Her blood sugar is low which means she's hungry. She's going to need to start eating small snacks in between and not just three big meals. She should start feeling better in about 15 minutes and then she needs to eat something."

Kawaii~Chan nods and races out toward the kitchen to grab a couple of fresh strawberry puffs. Aph glances at her friends and smiles, "Really everyone, I'm fine. Go back to work and try and calm the customers if you can."

They all hesitate before finally going back to work. Kawaii~Chan returns with the strawberry puffs and Carter simply shakes his head. "I meant real food. This is a start but she needs something besides sweets."

Kawaii~Chan sighs and then heads back to the kitchen to fix something else for Aph. Zane glares at Carter before turning and following Kawaii~Chan hoping to help make her feel better.

Aph stares at Carter and can't help but feel a little irritated. Sure he was doing his job and quickly figured out what was wrong with her but did he need to be so rude? "You need to apologize to her, Carter. Kawaii~Chan is sweet and you hurt her feelings."

Carter looks around at those still in the room in confusion, "I wasn't mean to her. I was just correcting her."

Melissa shakes her head, "We understand how you are but she only has the best intentions for Aph's health and happiness, and you kind of trashed them. Go apologize."

Carter rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and then heads out into the cafe'. Once they're alone Aph picks at the pastries waiting for someone to say something about what happened.

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