Chapter 147

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Aph sighs as she steps from behind the table. Aaron reaches for her but she easily dodges him and approaches Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looks down at her as she stops in front of her. "And who exactly are you again? I kind of remember you from Starlight. Ein talked about you but I stopped listening after a while."

Aph takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. When she opens them again Elizabeth looks into pure white eyes and instinctively steps back. "Mother of Irene! A witchy werewolf?"

Aph reaches out and places one hand on Elizabeths while the other gently brushes her lips. "Silence."

A brief wave of dizziness washes over Aph and she feels Aaron step up behind her to steady her. Elizabeth opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

Fear fills her eyes as her hand covers her throat. Guiding Aph to a chair Aaron helps her lower herself onto it and frowns down at her. "We talked about this."

Aph waves him away as she reads the question in Elizabeth's eyes. "I'll be fine. Why do people say Mother of Irene when her mother was never a part of anything? Thanks to Ein and Michael I've come into a bit of magic myself but I can promise you mine is much better than yours. I have not only removed your magic but your ability to speak. Don't worry, it's not life-threatening."

Zack actually starts laughing at Elizabeth. "Not so threatening now, are you?"

Elizabeth glares at Zack and then at Aph. Aph shrugs, "Don't think you scare me or that you'll find someone to help you. There are many witches and warlocks with a gift they have chosen to abuse. This will change, starting with you. I'm sorry Zack but don't gloat just yet. When you leave here I've decided to send Elizabeth with you. Look at it this way, at least you'll have someone to keep you company. If you tell me where to find Garte she will continue to be a silent companion."

Elizabeth stills as she slowly realizes she's in a losing situation. Her eyes shift to Aaron and a smile slowly spreads across her face. She raises a hand to her temple and then points to Aaron.

Aph sighs and slowly shakes her head. She starts to push to her feet again but is stopped when Aaron rests his hand on her shoulder. "Babe, let it go. Even if she wrote it to the world there's no proof and once she enters the Maze she won't have anyone to tell."

Aph glances up at Aaron and seeing the determination in his eyes decides to listen to him. It helps that she can see panic starting to fill Elizabeth's eyes so she turns to Zack. "So about Garte?"

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