Action 105: Her Father vs. Her Leading man

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Pating's POV

I am leaning against the rusty gate, sitting on the cold cement. Staring at the wide wasteland in front. My mind is too occupied to think about how cold the night is. I feel like a mess.

I know it is night because of the dark even if I can't tell exactly what time is it. It just—I know what darkness means, not just night... But sadness that can be turn in to despair and being alone that turns to loneliness.

What the fuck exactly is happening to me. I keep on asking myself this question. What is really happening to me? I am not myself anymore, I can feel it. And I know it.

Because I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't let myself looks like this! I should not let myself signed that bullshit contract and let that fucking old man commanded me! I shouldn't go to her house that night to rescue her to those stupid gang members! I shouldn't talk to her from the start! I shouldn't let myself close to her! I shouldn't let myself off guard. I shouldn't feel sorry towards her. I shouldn't be concern... I shouldn't be like these. I used to not care at all.

But the hell it is! Change those 'shouldn't' to 'do'. Yes I fucking do! I'd fucking done those things! Those things... Aren't my things. This is not me. And now, I don't know who I am.

Does she changed me? Did she done something towards me? Did she put some spell in me? What did she done to me for me to be like this?! For me to stay here in front of their house for a fucking hours!

I can't move to get in to the car and drive away. My pride is nowhere to find. And here's my bestfriend! My heart and it's unnamed feelings. This no named sickness is growing inside me. And now I hate it because my cure is inside of this freaking rusty gate with her evil father guarding her.

Will I ever meet her again if I drive away? Will I ever see her again if I leave now? Will I will be cure again by her presence? Will... I protect her again now that my job is over? Will... Will I be with her now that her evil father has back.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

I guess it's all a 'No'. Then why the fuck I am still here waiting?! I can't understand myself, and I'd said it already, this. Is. Not. Me. Anymore.

I want to enter this freaking house just to see her. I want to kill those five Koreans and get her. I want to tie her father in this gate and get her in the car then drive away here. Those are my real things, but... That is all only in my head right now.

Because I am doing nothing here. Just waiting... Asking... Wondering... I am fucking tired. I want to see her. I want to see her!

I close my eyes and breath heavily.

'I can do it... Even if that is her father. I need to do something. Because I need her in sight, in my side, in my seconds, minutes and hours. I am tired if I can't see her.'

I put my fist against the cement readying myself to move up. I am done just thinking. I am done wondering and asking. Fuck those hours in hell that I am just sitting and done nothing.

I finally stands and balance myself as I feel dizzy in a moment. Maybe because I didn't move a bit for hours that's why. I ignore it.

I manage to face the gate and It's easy for me to climb up. But when I reached the top...

"Yah!! Yah! He is trespassing!" The deep voice shout with the light of his flashlight on mine. I cover my face as the light hits it.

Then these five bullshit dogs came running at the gate. They look like a kids wiggling the whole gate for me to come down.

"Fuck you!" I shouted as my world move like an earthquake.

"Get the fuck out of here trespasser!"

"Go your ass out!"

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