Chapter 1 - 2 Years Later

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Luke Skywalker was heading to the Dex Diner, holding in each hand his almost 3 years old identical twins daughters Padmé and Alli.

It has being 2 years since his father force ghost appeared to him on Tatooine and informed him that a new threat would be in the horizon but also his former Padawan Ahsoka Tano will come to him and be a great ally.

For the past 2 years, everything went normally, some of his students had moved to Coruscant, like Qoli and Yana.

As for Yana, now with 19 years old were a young adult and lived alone. As for Qoli his whole family moved to the city.

Soon he would had to find more students, but when that time arrive, he would take some of his with him.

He was proud of them, they became great Jedi, with excellent scores and some of them already help catch some criminals, specially in the lower levels of the city but also in their own systems.


At the moment, they were with their on summer vacations, and all of them were with their families now. Soon his whole family would be leaving too for a special vacations in a place he wasn't in it for 5 years now.

The moment he entered inside the Diner and saw Dex, the twins let go his hands and ran towards him, hugging him while laughing.

"Dex!" they called him.

"Look who is here, the most beautiful little girls in the capital" he said laughing at the little girls, who giggled at him.

At almost 3 years old, the twins looked like their father with their blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello Dex," Luke smiled at his friend, hugging him.

"Hey Luke. What's up?" he asked smiling when the twins were already climbing on one of the benches of the diner.

"We just went to say goodbye to Aurea, who just leave to Naboo for the next months and we decided to order one of your amazing burgers to take home."

"Ines is not in the mood for cooking?" he laughed.

"She is super busy, organizing everything for the trip to Endor and then leave everything ready when both us leave for our finally honeymoon. And you know how organized she is," Luke laughed.

"She born in the month 9, and those one are super organized," Dex laughed too.

"I know. I've being married with her for almost 5 years now, so I know what you're talking about," he smiled running his fingers through Alli's blonde hair. The twins hair was getting bigger. Right now it was below their shoulders.

"But are you leaving for vacations?"

"Yes. We all decided that we will spend the Freedom Day celebration in Endor where everything happened. It has being 5 years since we were there, and why not going there for not only the 5th anniversary of the falling of the Empire but also my 5th wedding anniversary, since we married there the next day, and then the 3rd birthday of these cuties," Luke smiled at his daughters.

"3 years old already? Time flies," Dex said.

"Oh yes my friend, it does. I can't believe these two are almost 3 and my boy is 4."

"How is the little fella?"

"He is with Ines. He didn't want to come. Han gave him the new toy that came out, where you can build your droid, on his 4th birthday. Now he is so focus on that. And he is getting good. Hard to to believe he is only 4."

"He is a Skywalker what do you expect," Dex laughed.

"I can't imagine my family dealing with those 3 after Ines and I leave for our honeymoon."

"You two finally have your honeymoon."

"That is right. We didn't have anyone so maybe now it is the time to spend a month alone with my beautiful wife."

"Where do you go?"

"We leave Endor after the birthday of the twins, and we will go to Scarif for 2 weeks. Lando was kind enough to invited us to enjoy his new resort he is doing there. On the part that was not destroyed by the Death Star. Then we go for a week in Bespin and then another week in Hosnian."

"Away from these little ones," Dex laughing at the girls who smile at him.

"We will miss them, but I can't wait for being with Ines, just the two of us," Luke smiled.

"Well let me make your burgers" Dex said "Do you want Dex nuggets?" he asked to Padmé and Alli.

"Yeah," they screamed clapping their hands making Luke shaking his head at them.

"Then I'll be right back," he said and left to the kitchen, while Luke sat down pulling the girls on to his lap, kissed their cheeks.

He and Ines would be a whole month away from them and from their older brother and that made his heart twist in pain, cause they both loved their children to death, but like he said to Dex he also couldn't wait to be all alone with Ines, having her all for himself.

"Hello," he heard and looking to his left he smiled when he saw the new Senator of Naboo.

"Luma" Alli said pointing at the former Queen of Naboo.

Last year, Naluma Fau, ended her term as Queen of Naboo and became Senator. Living now in the Senate Building, they would see her a lot and they became great friends

"Hello Alli. Hey Padmé" she smiled at the girl "Hey Luke. Also here for good junk food?"

"You bet. Today I thought to take some burgers home, you know, let the wife rest," he laughed.

"I totally understand. I decided that too before leaving tomorrow."

"Going to Naboo," he asked, letting the twins get off his lap, but watching them while they were getting focus on a slot machine that Dex had in the Diner

"Yes. I miss my planet, the water and green. What about you? Are you going there too?"

"Well the family go there after the Freedom Day celebration, but Ines and I will not go there this year. We will leave for a month, only the two of us."

"I see." she giggled.

Padmé ran back to his father and looked at him.

"Papa I wan a fy," she asked him.

"You want a fry? Well Dex didn't finish our dinner, so you will have to wait until we get home and then you can have a fry," he said, giggled when the little girl pout and rest her cheek on her father's left arm. "That look will not work this time, young lady."

Seeing that, Padmé sighed and ran towards her twin.

"Those kids are getting beautiful by the minute," Luma said

"Yes they are. I fear the day they get older and start to talk about boys," Luke said making Luma laughed.

After a while Dex came with two bags.

"Here it is Luke. Three burgers for you, Ines and your boy and two nuggets for these cuties," he said handling the bags to Luke.

Looking at the twins, Dex bend over.

"Dex put some sweets in there for you and your brother."

"Yayaya," the girls jump up and down clapping their hands.

"Dex you will turn these two into monsters with those cookies of yours," Luke shook his head smiling.

"You know I like your kids, Luke."

"Right. Here," he gave the credits to Dex.

"Have nice vacations and have fun in Endor."

"I will," he said and waving to Luma, while the kids kissed the Senator of Naboo, they left Dex Diner back home.

And here it is Star Wars: Cross Path 2 first chapter. This story starts 5 years after the Battle of Endor, 5ABE (Return of the Jedi film), and 9ABY (A New Hope film)

They all go to Endor for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Freedom Day.

Hope you enjoy this one, like you did with Part 1.

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