Chapter 16 - Family Reunion

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It was early in the morning and Luke was awake for a while.

It was the day his family would arrive from Naboo and he and Ines would have their kids with them again. He missed them so much. And he missed his sister and nephews, and Chewie and the droids.

He turned to his left and wrapping his right arm around Ines waist and pulled her closer to him, smiling when she cuddle even more in his arms. No matter how many times she gets pregnant, she always was a deep sleeper and that made him chuckle.

Kissing her forehead, he smiled when she moved and opening her eyes, she smiled and snuggled more in him.

"Good morning," he told her.

"Good morning. What time is it?" she asked.

"Around 8. Still early."

"When they will arrive?" she asked him.

"Later this afternoon, according to Leia."

"I can't wait for them to arrive. I want my babies here. I miss them so much. This house seem so silence lately," she said making him laugh.

"I know what you mean. I miss running in the morning into our bed, their hugs and kisses." he told her.

"I even miss R2 and its beeps," she laughed.

"Me too." he replied. "But I can't wait to see their reaction when they found of the baby."

"Do you think they will be happy?" she asked him.

"Ben will for sure, and so will the twins. Are you concerned?"

Ines stayed in silence for a while.

"I don't know if I can call concern but when we got the twins, Ben was still a baby. Now they are 3, they understand things. A new baby will get more attention from us and they are used to be daddy's little girls," she told looking at him.

"Trust me, for them, their new brother will be their new toy," he laughed. "I'm sure they would want to help in everything."

"Can't wait to see that."

"Are you hungry or do you want to stay in bed for a little longer?" he asked.

"Do I really need to answered that?" she yawned making his giggled.

"Not really. Then let's stay a little longer in bed," he said pulling her closer and they enjoy a little bit longer in bed until they had their babies back in their arms.


Later that afternoon:

Luke and Ines were in the hangar, waiting for the ships to arrived from Naboo.

Ines was walking back and forth.

"They are late," she said looking at him.

"Relax, they are fine and they will be here in no time," he told her wrapping his arms around her.

15 minutes later the Falcon and Dan's ship entered inside the hangar, making Ines smile.

The ramp touched the ground and when the Ben and the twins came up at the top of it and they saw Luke and Ines, they ran towards them.

"Papa! Mama!" The twins said running towards them and went towards Luke who picked both of the girls in his arms, while Ben hugged Ines, who picked him up.

"Mommy!" he said wrapping his arms around her neck.

"My boy. I missed you so much" she said with tears running down her cheeks, as she kissed his cheeks.

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