Chapter 9 - Make a Great Team

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The moment the gang entered in the restaurant and said that was a robbery, Luke and Ines straight up and looked at each other. From that very moment they connected through the force and start talking through it.

"Babe!" Ines said

"I know." Luke said and he started to look around to study the situation. "Okay they are four: two on my right and two on my left."

Ines looked at the guys. They were going on each table and force the people to give everything value to them or they would shoot at them.

Looking at her left, Ines saw how scared the family was. Making eye contact with them, she put her index finger in front of her lips, making sure that they would stay quiet.

"SILENCE!" one the man screamed. "If I heard anyone talking I will shoot."

Luke and Ines looked at him and then towards each other.

"We need a distraction," Luke told her.

"I think I know how", she winked.

Giving one last glare to the gang, Ines looked at her husband who gave her a smile and with that, the plan started.

Leaning towards Luke, Ines started to whispered and like they expected, one of the guys saw that and came into their direction with a blaster on his hand.

"Hey, you two. I said not talking," he said.

Ines looked at him and tried to looked scared and innocent.

"I'm sorry but I was just saying to me husband that I need to go the bathroom, badly," she told him.

"Can't you hold?" he asked her.

"Not really. I'm on that time of the month and I really need to go."

The guy looked at his companions who nod at him.

"Okay, but first let them check the bathroom," he said and ordered to one of them to check if the bathroom was clean.

After a minute, the other guy came from it.

"It is clean," he told him.

"Okay. Be quick and no try to be smart ass or I will shoot you," he said pointing the blast at her, telling her to stand up.

Glare at Luke, she stood up and started to walked slowly around the table, being followed by the guy.

Once Luke felt that he was right behind his chair, he told Ines.


Without warning, Ines turn quickly and grabbing the guy's right arm with her right arm, she turn and elbowed him in the nose with her left elbow, making the guy stumble backward. Waiting for that, Luke stood up and kicking his chair with is right foot, it made slide towards the guy that lost balance and fall on the ground.

"Get down," He told to the people on the tables, while he grabbed his lightsaber and throwing Ines's one to her, catching it right way, they block the blasters from the other 3 gang members that started to shot at them.

The guy in front of Luke, pointed his blaster on one the civilians, ready to shoot at them, but before he could do it, Luke raise him in the air with the force and with a quick move, the guy flew across the glass window, landing outside without moving.

Hearing the noise of glass breaking, Ines turned to see what happened and gasped.

"That was hot," she smirked at him, making Luke smiled at her too.

Then his face expression changed.

Knowing why, she duck right away, and Luke force push one of the guys who ready to shot at Ines, making him hit the stone hall at the end, falling right away with a groan of pain.

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