Chapter 11 - Bespin

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Luke and Ines were awaking, facing each other. They had left Scarif 48 hours ago, and had arrived at Bespin the night before. They had Lando waiting for them, but since it was already too late and they were little tired, they decided the best option, was let them rest and talk in the morning during breakfast.

Luke was laying on his left watching Ines, while rubbing her back.

"Slept well?" he asked

"Very well. I was so tired when we arrived that all I want was to get in bed and have a goodnight to sleep," she said rolling on her back and stretched herself.

"But we need to get up to meet Lando and have breakfast with him. I'm sure he wants to know our thoughts about the place," Luke told her making Ines face him.

"I know, especially about the incident in the restaurant."

"Exactly. So come on, let's get up, have a nice shower and eat breakfast with Lando," he said standing up.


After they get ready, they went to meet Lando, who was already waiting for them.

"Hey so good to see you," Lando said hugging Luke and Ines. "Please have a seat."

"Thank you. It is good to see you too!" Ines said to him.

"When you will go to Coruscant and stay there for a while?" Luke asked him.

"I'm planning to go there to spend Life's Day and Han and Leia's twins 3rd birthday and finally meet those two and your twins too."

"You will love them."

"If they are sweet as their mother's, I'm sure I will," he laughed while Luke shook his head and Ines rolled her eyes.

"You never changed, do you?" she told him making him laugh even more.

"But tell me, how was Scarif and your two weeks in there?" he asked eager to them.

"Oh it is beautiful. You had a great idea to make the resort in the intact part of it. The clear water, the cabins above it, the weather is great. I loved it and I want to bring the kids next time. They will love it for sure," Ines said smiling, already missing that place.

"I agree. And we had some action too." Luke smirked.

"Oh right. When I got the message about what happened, for once I was glad that you two were there,"

"Yes Lando, it was a surprise and you need to be careful, because being a type of resort, it is perfect for those type of gangs just come up and do things like that" Luke informed him

"You are right and I already made a decision to check the background of everyone who enters in Scarif system."

"By the way we are sorry for the damage, but there wasn't any other way for it," Ines said.

"I know, don't worry about it. But how long will you stay here?" He asked them.

"At least a week," Luke said taking a sip of his coffee, "Then we go to Hosnian System to visit my aunt and cousins and some friends, before going back to Coruscant."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed Scarif and to come here to tell me in person what you thought of it," Lando smiled at his friends.


After finish their breakfast, Luke was eager to go to a place.

Bespin meant something for him since it was there that not only he lost his hand but he found out that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker, his father.

He needed to visit the place where everything happened.

Of course Lando understood Luke's motives and agreed, so after they all ending eating, Luke went to the room with Ines, that wanted to go with her husband this time. After all her brother Edmar was there years ago.

When they reached the corridor, Luke sighed. Grabbing his hand, Ines looked at him.

"Deja vú? Babe we can leave if you want," she said making Luke looked at her.

"No, I need this," he said as they walk on the same bridge where the duel he had with his father 6 years ago ended.

"I was here, and he was in there and that is the place where I lost my hand," he said making Ines look down.

"You throw yourself at this high? You could have being killed," Ines said with wide eyes.

It was the first time she was there and she knew the story since Luke told her many times, but she never imagine the high was that thing.

"I knew I wouldn't. I felt it, some how."

Looking around she said

"Well at least this place is clean. I don't see any dry blood, so we can relax on that," she said looking at him. "I felt your pain at the exact moment he cut your hand. I can't believe he did that to his own son."

"That was because it was Darth Vader not Anakin. Anakin would never hurt Luke, and you saw that a year later."

Looking behind her, she smiled when she saw Anakin's force ghost.

"Father, of course you would be here," Luke smile.

"Either way I would never hurt my children, no matter if I want them to join me to rule the Galaxy. And you want to kill Palpatine. Clearly you hate him, why continue to work for him?" Ines asked

"He lied to me. He said I killed my wife and I found out I had a son and later a daughter. It was my anger for him that continue to make me powerful in the dark side. It was my son and my grandson, that you were caring at the time that made realize everything," Anakin said

Luke looked at him and the talk he had with Leia about the day they arrived at Naboo and then later what happened with Anakin and the pretty lady he said he saw and helped him. He was sure, more and more that woman was his mother.

Anakin look at him

"I know what you are thinking."

"It is, isn't it father?"

"That you have to discover yourself son." he said and with a smile he vanish, making Luke with the certain that his mother was alive. And now he wanted to know why she didn't show herself all these years.

Luke and Ines are in Bespin before going to Hosnian for the last week of their honeymoon. What did you think of the last scene?

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