Chapter 63 - Planning

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After Han told them about that fact that Gideon was found, Luke stood right away from his seat and grabbing his lightsaber he told Han.

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's go get him," he said, surprise on the fact that Han stood where he was, without even moved.

Chewie growled, making Ines frown at that statement.

"Wait what?" she asked

"You are kidding me, right?" Luke said looking at Han.

"Sorry but it is true. The Senate already sent the guards to go where he was seeing to catch him," Han said. "I'm sorry Luke, I couldn't do anything."

Luke sighed and sat down and looked at Ines, who picked up little Luke, that was started to whimp.

"They won't catch him without Luke." she told her brother in law. "At least tell me that our students went with them, like they do when they go make their circles in the lowers levels."

Han looked at her and shook his hands. Chewie growled in frustration, showing them he was also not happy with that situation.

"What about Ahsoka?" Luke asked.

"They didn't call any of them. The moment they got the information, they sent troops to get there." Han started, "Trust me, Leia is furious when Luma came and told her what was happening, cause they didn't even informed her yet."

"Wait, Luma new what happened from Naboo?" Ines asked a little surprised, rocking her baby that was starting to cry.

"Mama, Wuke smell bad," Padmé said looking at her.

"I know sweetie, but let mama talk to Uncle Han first," she said.

"Hey someone informed her and when she found out the senators were not informed, or at least some of them, she thought that Leia was one of those, so she called us and told what happened."

"I can imagine how she is right now," Ines nod. She knew her sister in law very well to know not to cross with her when she got mad.

"This is a mistake." Luke said, "You know that."

"Yes I know."

Luke shook his head. He had a bad feeling that Gideon would escape.

"I will change the diaper of this little one," Ines said and walking towards the bedroom, she left Luke with the kids still eating their breakfast.


Minutes turned to hours, and the silence made Luke even more concerned.

Han and Chewie stood there, since they were all waiting for Dan Talia to arrived with news, that they knew it would be not good news.

Leia entered with the kids and 3PO and they looked at her right away.

"Do you have any news?" Luke asked his sister.

"No. I thought you knew something. I couldn't stay home anymore and these two already woke up from their nap, so I decided I prefer to be here," she said sitting next to her husband, while the Bail and Ani kneel of the floor and started to paint, since they brought their painting books and pencils, while Iris sat down, smiling when Grogu walked towards and asked to be picked up.

"This silence is not good," Ines said looking at Luke who was sleeping peacefully on his bouncing chair, that he loved so much.

Then Amidala and Ahsoka entered with the Talias, and by the look they gave to the people in the living room, they knew the worst.

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