Chapter 49 - Proud

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It was late at night and while Ines was in her bedroom, treating their baby, Luke decided to check on their other kids.

Entering in Ben's bedroom, he smiled when saw the 5 years old kid, coming from the bathroom

"Already brush your teeth?" he asked him

"Yup," Ben replied nodding.

"Then come to bed," He said pulling the covers aside, smiling when the kid jumped into bed.

Covering him, Luke looked at his first born.

He remembered when he found out Ines was expecting him before they went to Endor, and how happy he was. Now his little boy was almost 5 and half and he was getting so big.

"Daddy, will you really use my ideas on 3PO and R2? And the ideas for the Temple?" Ben asked with his big blue eyes looking at Luke.

"Yes, I will." he smiled. "I'm very proud of you son. Very proud."

Ben smiled also feeling proud.

"Daddy, may I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

"I wanted to ask this for a long time, even before Luke was born." He started, "Uncle Han said, when you and mommy went to your honeymoon, that I would be lucky to have a brother because you and mommy would be doing a lot of that activity."

Luke gasped and made a mental note to have a little talk with Han.

"Okay," he said.

"I asked him what activity and he said when I get older you explain to me," he said.

"But I see you want to ask it."

"Yes, I want to know where babies come from."

Luke sighed. He knew that sooner or later he would have that question from his kids.

"Okay. Well when a man and woman love each other very much, they stay very close to each other, and then the man plants a small seed inside the woman and that seed will become a baby."

Ben looked at his father.

"Like the animals that Davi had at his father's house?"

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Davi has these lizards that one day they were on top of each other and we couldn't see where one started and the other ended," Ben said. "It is the same with humans?"

"Yes, it is. And with many other species as well," Luke said.

"That's it?" the little boy said, "That is the activity that you and mommy did. Being like that, quietly. That's sounds boring," Ben said making Luke put his right hand over his mouth, hiding a laugh.

"It depends on every person's point of a view," he smiled. "Are you satisfied with the answer?"

"Yes. I thought it was more complicated." the kid said rolling his eyes.

"Let's go to sleep okay," Luke said and leaning down he kissed Ben's forehead. "Goodnight my son. May the force be with you."

"May the force be with you, daddy."

Standing up, Luke passed by R2 and tapping his friend, he left the bedroom, heading to the twins, to check on them.

Entering he smiled when he saw the little girls sleeping, and Grogu sat right away on his floating crib.

"It is just me Grogu. You can go back to sleep," he said approaching the crib and covered him. For the months he was there with them, Grogu was getting controlling of his powers way better. Soon he would have his lightsaber built for sure.

Approaching the girls bed, he covered Padmé, kissing the top of her head, and turning to Alli, he giggled when the covers were at her feet. Alli always tossed around before she fall asleep deeply.

Pulling the covers up, he tuck her in, when the little girl opened her sleepy eyes.

"Papa!" she said.

"Don't make any noise or you will wake up you sister and Grogu," he said. "What is it?"

Raising her arms, he knew what she wanted.

Leaning down, he smiled when he felt her little arms going around his neck and felt a kiss in his cheek.

"I wove you," she said making Luke's heart melt.

"I love you too sweetie," he said, kissing her forehead. "Now got back to sleep."

Nodding, Alli hold the stuffed toys of her parents closer to her and closed her eyes.

Looking at them, Luke smiled.

"Please look out for my kids," he said.

"We are, always my son," Anakin's voice was heard making Luke smile.

Leaving the twins bedroom, he went to his bedroom, smiling when he saw Ines, who was sitting on their bed, under the covers, with her back resting on the headboard, with their baby boy, happily sucking on her left breast, while moving his little feet once in a while.

Putting his pajama buttons, and after brushing his teeth, he got under the covers, and smiling he leaned down and kiss Luke's little head, making the baby move it and whimp.

"He is saying: "Let me eat my meal quietly dada,"" Ines said laughed.

"Sorry little fella," he giggled and looked at Ines. "You know what our Ben asked me minutes ago?"

"What?" she asked adjusting baby Luke on her arms, as the baby took time to rest, then resume sucking her breast again.

"Where babies come from."

"Why he would ask that?" she asked him.

"Because Han had the brilliant idea to say that when we went on our honeymoon, Ben would be lucky to have a brother cause we would be doing that activity a lot."

Ines shook her head rolling her eyes.

"Typical of Han," she said. "And what did you say?"

"I tried to explain in a soft way, and he said it was like the lizards Davi had on his father's house where we couldn't see where one started and the other end."

"Okay. It is similar," she giggled.

"And according to him boring," Luke smirked making Ines laughed.

"Glad he thinks that for now," she smiled. "I remember my mother had the explanation about babies to me when I was 10 years old."

Luke looked at her and smiled while ran his left fingers through her long brown hair.

"How was it?"

"My mother also tried to be soft, and told me that my body would change and when that happens I would bleed between my legs once a month," she said looking at Luke. "I said I didn't want that. But she then explain that meant I could have a baby. And then she softly, explain to me when I get older and I would find a handsome man, with blond hair and blue eyes and we would have a lot of babies."

"She knew," Luke smiled.

"Yes she knew," she said looking at her baby, who indicated to her mother he was full.

Raising over her shoulder, she started to tap his little back, helping him to burp.

"I never asked my uncle Owen and my aunt Beru about that. I guess living in Tatooine, who wanted to have kids" he said smiling when his son burped.

"Babe, I was thinking, maybe Din can go with us to Kashyyyk. And warn Cara too in Nevarro."

"I thought of that too," he said looking at their baby, who was resting on his mother chest, sucking his pacifier, reading to get some nice sleep.

As the baby fall asleep, Luke picked him up gently and standing up, he put his son on his crib, smiling at his baby.

Getting in bed, he hold Ines closer to him.

"I love you Ines."

"I know. I love you too," she said as Luke pulled into a deep kiss, before they fell asleep.

Luke had to answer the question that every parent fear from their kids.

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