Chapter 97 - All Together

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Luke was wake for a while. It was morning already, and apparently the storm that started last night had passed. But that didn't stop for his children to want to be with them. In fact was a rough night, with big thunders, and rain and strong winds, that made Luke and Alli cry in the middle of the night, and to calm them down, him and Ines put them in their bed, where they where right now, sleeping peacefully.

It passed 2 days since Ines birthday, and today his brother in law Dan would arrive with him and Ines children. He missed Ben and Padmé so much, especially because the last time he talked to them or saw them in person, was when he was about to left to Dagobah and he didn't remember them, which made him sad thinking that the last time his children saw him, he didn't knew who they were.

All he wanted now was to hold them and tell how much he loved them both and how sorry he was.

He looked back to his children and smiled.

Alli was turned on her right side, snuggling on his chest, sleeping, while his baby was on his left, facing Ines, sucking his green pacifier.

"Morning." he heard and looking forward he smiled at his wife, who had waking up.

"Morning." he whispered back. "Slept well?"

Ines smiled and looked at their kids sleeping between them.

"With these two beauties here? Of course." she replied. "And in a few hours we will have our other beautiful kids with us."

Luke nod.

"I missed them so much." he said, but stayed serious.

Ines looked at him, and deep inside she knew why he was like this.

"Hey, they will run to you and hug you, and say how much they love you. Don't worry about it."

"I know Padmé will do that, but do you think Ben will do it. After all, I left after he was mad at me."

Ines rested her left hand on his right cheek.

"Our son loves you very much. You are his hero. I'm sure he is eager to see you and hug you." she smiled at him, making him smile too and sighed.

"I hope so. I want to see him, and holding him in my arms and telling me how sorry I am. He is my first born, my older son and I love him to death. Just like I loved all of his siblings. But it was him who taught me to be a better father."

"He knows." Ines told him.

"What about you? Are you eager to see your brother and talk to him, right?"

Ines nod sighing.

"You know I am. But I don't know how to tell what we know and how he is going to react!"

"I'm here with you. Don't worry. We will tell him together and together we will talk to your father."

"I'm scare of my father's reactions. What if he has an episode or something?" she said looking at him.

"Have faith my love."

Smiling at her, Luke grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, while both looked at their two kids who were still sleeping peacefully.


Hours later in Naboo Hangar:

Luke and Ines were at the hangar waiting for Dan's ship to landed, with Alli, who was holding his father's hand, eager to see her twin. They decided to leave the baby at home, with Luke's grandparents, since he was taking is afternoon nap, and they didn't want to wake him up.

The ship landed and Alli started to get excited. Luke and Ines knew why she was feeling that, and they had their suspicious, when the moment the ramp touched the ground, and Padmé appeared, the twins ran towards each other screaming their names.



Once they got near each other they hugged, making the adults smiled at the scene. Being identical twins, of course they would miss each other like crazy.

Once Padmé saw her parents, she ran towards her mother, who crouch and hugged her daughter closer to her.

"Mama, I missed you!"

"Aww sweetie, mama missed you so much!" she said, and kissed her daughters cheeks over and over again.

"How about me?" Luke asked her.

The little girl, looked up at her father and then to her mother, who nod.

With that, Padmé raised her arms towards her father, who picked her up and pulled her closer, smiling when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheeks.

"Awe you okay now?" she asked, looking at him.

"Yes, I am!" he told her.

"What is my name?" she asked again, making Luke laughed.

"Well, sneaky girl?" he winked making her Padmé giggled.

"No, silly. Padmé Beru!" she answered him, making him kissed her cheeks.

"Papa loves you so much, never doubt it." he told.

Looking at Ben, who had his arms around Ines's waist, Luke put Padmé down and looked at his son.

Ines notice that and looking at her son, she said.

"Go give your father a hug sweetie."

Luke looked at him.

"Ben, sweetie, I know the last time we spoke was not in a good terms, and I'm sorry for everything. But I never stop thinking of you or any of your siblings when I left. I just hope you forgive me."

"Do you really remember everything?" the 5 years old boy asked him.

"I'm me now. I swear." Luke smiled and opening his arms, his eyes filled with tears when Ben smiled and jumped into his arms.

"I've miss you daddy!"

"Me too." Luke told looking at him. "You are my first born. It was you who taught me how to be a better father."

Ben smiled at him, while Ines looked at her brother and sister in law, who had Zena on her arms.

"Hi Zena. Come to aunt Ines." she said picking her and kissing her cheeks. "You are so big! Where is Ken?"

"The Academy is about to open, so he stayed with your mother in law and Ahsoka." Gracy replied. "We missed you."

"Yes we did." Dan replied. "What's up?"

"What do you mean?" Ines asked.

"Ines, I'm your brother for 29 years. I know my little sister better than you think. You want us here for a reason. I noticed on our talk, there was something you wanted to tell me."

Ines looked at Luke, and then back at her brother.

"Not here. Let's go home. What I have to say, is very important."

Dan and Gracy looked at each other, and with a nod, they all left the hangar.

Finally the family is reunited. What will be Dan's reaction to the big news Ines has to say to him?

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